{Mysterious Notes } Chaper 1

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Ryoko Satori is a part time worker, Sad and in dire need of comfort and attention, but she is not a attention seeker btw. She is 23 (i dont want to make her underage im not really imto minors having S3X wtf) anyways, Lately she's been getting notes in her house, although it was never threatening and said stuff like :"how are you today?" So she got used to it and left notes too. (please don't ask how they left the notes)
                              Let's get into the story!
Note :So,How are you today?
Ryoko :*on note * "I'm still the same as always "
Ryoko :(I love coming home to this, I hope it will continue, I'll ask. )
Ryoko :*On note* Hey will this continue?
                             Five minutes later
Note:No, sadly it won't...
Ryoko :(What?, Why?)
??? :Because I came to see you in person 😊
Ryoko :😳
  ??? then hugs her but realized something...
??? :Oh uh, Sorry you don't know me, I shouldn't just hug you like that...
Ryoko hugs back before he could continue to say anything else.
Ryoko :Um, Could we stay like this a little longer?
??? :Sure😊
??? :By the way im Shion, but you can call me babe.
                                See you in the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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