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At that point, all hope had been lost for the two. Even as Emma made preparations in the background under Isabella's nose, she was scared. Mama had pulled all the stops out to keep them from escaping last time, so who's to say she doesn't have any more tricks up her sleeve?

Soon enough, it was time for the escape. Ray asked to meet up the night before his birthday, just before midnight. Emma made her way to the dining hall, hopping over the creaky parts of the sheen wooden floors, where Ray sat reading a book in the dark. The moonlight was his only book light. 

"So, are you ready now? Or is your leg still..." Ray nodded towards the leg that everyone believed to be broken, but she slammed her foot into the floorboard, letting the nearby chairs rattle. "Good," Ray nodded his approval. 

The raven haired boy set his book onto the table and stood, facing a determined Emma. He would just have to get to the point here, no use beating about the bush. "Norman isn't dead." Emma's eyes widened in shock, but her overall expression stayed indifferent. "We all saw him get shipped, Ray. He- He can't still be alive. You know this."

"I know it isn't the least bit realistic, but I have evidence." Ray turned to the gasoline tanks in the corner, then faced his chosen sibling once more. "A week after each shipment, a package comes to the house with a new suitcase, cleaned and everything. Of course, the house has extras in case of emergency, but that doesn't matter right now.

"It's been two months, Emma. We didn't get Norman's suitcase back yet, so he has to still be alive. He might be at the Headquarters where all the babies and adults come from, waiting! We have a chance." The theory made sense. If Norman actually needed the luggage, then his suitcase wouldn't have come back to the house. Ray had been known for being very observant, but this was definitely impressive. 

And Emma thought he had just been in a funk all this time...

"What are these for, then?" She pointed to the gasoline, ready to be used. Ray pulled out some matches from the carton. "We're going to cause a distraction. Mama will be forced to evacuate everyone, and that's how we'll escape." Emma was definitely impressed. "Everyone ages 5 and up are going. Mama will have to keep an eye on the babies, this will be perfect!" 

The two children began to pour the gasoline across the dining hall so that it would further spread the fire across the wooden furniture and structure of the house. The plan was pretty much flawless, but Ray had other plans. Before Emma could light the match, Ray put his hand on her shoulder.

"Not yet, we still need to discuss the rest of the plan." 

"What do you mean by that? We're going to cause a distraction, go over the wall, and glide over!"

"You play an important role. Listen up."

Ray poured the last gasoline tank over his head, snatched the matchbox, lit one of the many matches, and dropped it.

Nobody, not even I, knows what happened that night before the fire. Ray survived, Emma survived, and the children began their escape. Because nobody knows the truth, that is how it will be documented on these pages. A blank slate, if you will.

Once Emma had successfully tricked Mama and everyone had been gathered, they made their way to the wall, climbing it and running across the stone to the escape point. Don threw his rope, wrapped it around a tree, and let Nat tie the other end. The next two were set up soon after, and one by one, each child was safely transported across the canyon.

Emma could hear Isabella's frantic breaths and pounding footsteps across the wall, barely avoiding setting the chip in her chest off. "Go, go, now!" She ordered Lannion and Thoma off, and watched them slide away, preparing her own coat hanger to cross with.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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The Official Documentation of Peter Ratri's Demise (Mama Emma AU but better)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang