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Heyo everybody! My name Is Lilly and I'm shifting to The Who Killed Markiplier universe! 

Here's a bit about me when I'm there

Name: Lillian (Lilly)

Eye color: gray

hair color: chestnut brown

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 26

Occupation(s): writer/freelancer 

favorite article(s) of clothing: yellow plaid shirt, black hoodie, ripped skinny jenns

favorite accessories: black choker, black stud earings brown satchel 

I live in my small 1 bed 1 bath house on the outskirts of town about an hour from William's apartment and 2 hours from Markiplier Mansion

most people have a junk drawer, not me I have a junk satchel! you could find just about anything in there. Wil once called me Aggie Cromwell when I pulled out 5 packs of gum, 2 things of band-aids, 6 pens, and my notebook while looking for my car keys. 

anything else you want to know about me just comment and I'll answer! ok bye kiddos 

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