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A/N: Another pointless one-shot, yay! It was supposed to be funny but my sense of humour equals zero so... yeah. Also, despite of what the summary might suggest, there's no sex in this one, apologies in advance ;)

Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure these events have never happened.


Have you ever thought about being with a guy? wasn't a question Mike would ever expect to hear from anyone. Especially not from one of his best friends. Then again, what else could he expect from Chester Bennington? That man was always so straightforward and often did he say everything he had on his mind so carelessly, without giving it a second thought. It sometimes bothered him, but he would never say anything to it. It was the way Chester was, there was nothing he could do to change it.

Now, he wouldn't really say that these words surprised him when they came out of the singer's mouth so casually as if he asked about the weather or what he ate for lunch today, but he wouldn't say he predicted them either. That's probably why he was now sitting in his swivel chair, frozen, staring at the vocalist in silence, mouth hanging open and eyes wide. Chester was just smiling. Smiling. He didn't even consider it weird to ask such a thing.

"Uh, no. Not really." he answered finally, after what seemed like hours but in reality were just minutes. He turned around to face the computer where he was working on the melody for the new song, blushing for unexplained reasons. Why were they talking about it now, anyway? There was so much to do and so little time.

"Seriously?" Chester pushed a little, leaning back in his own chair until it quietly creaked. "That's kinda weird."

"No, I don't think so." he claimed, his fingers rubbing his jeans, fiddling with them. Had he ever thought about being in a relationship with a man? He couldn't remember. Perhaps there were a few questions in his head about his preferences here and there, but he never answered them. He met Anna. He married her. End of story.

Chester sighed loudly and Mike decided to just stop paying attention to whatever the singer was saying at the moment. Maybe he would just drop it if there was no response. Maybe he would get a hint. That worked with Joe once so why wouldn't it with everyone else?

Well, mainly because Chester Bennington was not everyone else.

"But," the vocalist began again and Mike had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. It was pretty late and he was tired after the whole day of hard work in the studio. He just wanted to go home to Anna, who had been probably either waiting, or sleeping. "Even in high school? I mean, teenagers often experiment with their sexualities."

"Why are you even asking me something like this?" he sighed and finally turned his face towards his best friend, who simply shrugged and glanced at his white sports shoes.

"You know, just... curious."

Mike raised an eyebrow, watching the singer a few seconds longer than was probably considered appropriate, and came back to work shortly afterwards. He needed to get this track done tonight. They were close to finishing their new album and none of them could really wait. It wasn't even about deadlines. Their new work was always very exciting and the need to share it with the world was pushing them all forward.

"Well, the way I see it," a voice shattered the long comforting silence and the emcee, this time, did roll his eyes. Chester wasn't really annoying right now, but the subject he'd chosen made him feel a bit uncomfortable. "Is that you have never really considered it because you've never met the right guy."

"Alright, what kind of fucked up philosophy is that?" the emcee asked, not even controlling the chuckle that left his throat. Their gazes met for the first time and he could see that Chester's eyes were shining in the light of the computer screen. He didn't seem to be nearly as tired as Mike. The half Asian would even risk saying his friend looked quite attractive in this dim lighting of the room.

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