Part 1

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Katsuki checked his phone as he stopped in front of the school. He'd made it just in time to avoid the crowd. He pulled open the door and quietly made his way down the hall, past the classrooms. He stopped at the last door to his right and waited for the teacher to finish talking.

"Now don't forget your cards for Mother's Day. You've all worked so hard on them and I know your parents will love them." She said. "Now, it's time to get ready to go home, they should be here very soon. I want you to go get your things at sit at your desks." Bakugo cringed at the chorus of chairs scraping against the floor as the children obeyed their teacher. All he noticed except Youko.

The five-year-old girl bowed her head silently. She wiped away a tear from her eye, waiting for her classmates to take their seats before going to retrieve her backpack. Katsuki entered the room, walking over to his daughter's desk and kneeling at her side.

"Hey." He said softly, causing her to turn. "What's going on? That kid messing with you again?" Youko shook her head, throwing her arms around her father.

"No. You were right about Raidon, Daddy. Since I punched him in the face, he doesn't pick on me anymore." Katsuki smirk.

"Then what's wrong with you?"

"Can we go home?"She requested softly. Bakugo embraced his daughter, standing up with her in his arms, taking the backpack in his hand, and slipping it onto his shoulder.

"bye-bye Youko!" a young girl with blue hair shouted, waving her hand.

"Bye, Yuno."Youko sniffled as her father turned to leave.

"Mr. Bakugo?" Katsuki sighed but faced the teacher. "I know it's the weekend and you've probably had a long day, but if you wouldn't mind stepping out into the hall for a moment, I'd like to have a word." He reluctantly obliged as more parents arrived, rushing through the door.

"The teacher, a young woman with kind eyes and gentle tone, placed a hand on Youko's shoulder.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Well, as you know, Mother's Day is coming up and I'm sure you've noticed the drawings our students have done."

"Sure, what about it?"Bakugo asked though he hadn't actually noticed the other children's projects.

"Mother's Day seems to be a difficult topic for little Youko. When I told them we'd be making mother's day cards and pictures, she seemed to feel left out. I thought it was important for Youko's sake to bring it to your attention. She's usually such a sweet, cheerful child, and to see her react that way-"

"Yeah. I'll talk to her."Katsuki said, his eyes fixed on Youko. "Thanks."

"Of course. I'll see you Monday, Youko. Feel better sweetheart." the teacher gave a short nod before returning to her room and allowing Bakugo to leave. Once they were outside, Katsuki readjusted the strap on his shoulder and began to walk in the direction of their apartment.

"So, you had a tough day too, huh?" He began. Youko nodded. "You wanna tell me what your problem is?" Youko laid her head on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Daddy, why don't I have a mommy?"Katsuki froze.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned.

"Everyone in my class can make presents for their mommy, even 'Zuku has one and you. Mika said his mommy told him that the mommies and daddies get babies from a stork. If there is no Mommy for me, how did it know you wanted me? Where am I from?" Katsuki was at a loss.

"But you have something they don't. You have Deku." He pointed out.

"Yeah. I love 'Zuku lots. Why can't I have a mommy? Is it because I punched Raidon?"

Deku's Secret : Mother's DayWhere stories live. Discover now