The lake

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"Come on"yelled Amy to the other slow pokes half a mile behind her.
"We are coming"says Adam still puffed out from climbing the hill.
"Does she ever shut up"joked Johnny everyone laughed. Amy was anything but amused.For what felt like hours they finally got to the campsite.standing before them was this beautiful lake it glistened like thousands of stars.

"Wow" exclaimed Amy "it's amazing" they were all fascinated by the way it looked.they set up camp not knowing what dangers were ahead of them.By the time they had set up camp it was time for bed reluctantly they went to sleep.Well almost all of them Amy couldn't sleep she was to exited for what tomorrow would bring. She stepped out her tent and layed on the floor and star gazed that's what her and her father did before he passed away.It helped to calm her rushing thoughts bring her mind to peace it works every time soon enough she was asleep.

The sun came up bird's chirping a new day had begun. Johnny was the first awake he decided he wasn't going to wake the others as it was to early.He brushed his teeth and got dressed by the time he did that the others were up. When everyone was ready they had breakfast. Adam looked at the lake that waited before him without thinking he ran and jumped into the lake. He tried to encourage the others to join him.the water was cold beneath him.Amy was quick to join she jumped my after him.Johnny was reluctant but gave in.After many hours in the lake Johnny decided it was time to tell the others he thinks it's time to get out. All of a sudden something had grabbed Adams leg and dragged him underwater like a hunger alligator.Johnny rushed to him adrenaline flooded his body making him quick to get there but it was to late he was gone. Johnny took a quick glimpse and saw a hungry shark once it had tasted blood it wanted more. He screamed for Amy to get out the water but she was frozen in fear. he suddenly relized it was coming straight for Amy and it was fast. But so was he with the little bit of extra adrenaline he had left he swam as fast as he could to her. He pushed her out of way sacrificing himself for her.Once Amy had come to her senses she rushed out the water the shark close behind bearly missing her by a inch she ran to get help. Almost half frozen she found a cottage and knocked on the door for a old lady to come out.Amy told her what happened and she called the police.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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