Expresso for Angel

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It was raining. Water is pouring through the dark sky. The streets was now drenched, luckily the water had not poured yet before I entered this store. I was alone with a woman in 20's yawning behind the counter.

I am sitting in one of the benches, enjoying the warmth that the coffee had given my palms, its aroma had reach my nostrils. The silence inside the store was audible. It was soon interrupted of the sound of the door chime, signaling for someone else's presence.

A man had entered the store, soaked. Obviously he experience the wrath of the rain. I expected him to get a cup of coffee as I did as I entered this store but he did not. Instead, he sat in one of the benches and fixed his eyesight outside the glass wall. He looks lost. I watched how drops of rain ran through his chin, or was it tears?

My thoughts about this soaked man was interrupted by consecutive honks of a car. Times up. I look between my coffee and the man. This coffee will not feed my need for caffeine after all. I stood up and went in front of the soaked stranger and put the paper cup in front of him. He look through my eyes, obviously confuse of my gesture. "Take it, coffee warms not only the body but also the soul. You'll need it more than I do." I said as I walked to the door continuing my exit.

As days went by I think about the soaked stranger. I would be a hypocrite if I say he does not have good looks, but he does. Curtly he bugs my system, maybe I have built a little crush for him. But why was he out in the middle of the night? Frustrated with the unanswered curiosity, I went to my favorite coffee shop. I mumbled my usual order and went on my usual spot near the window. I waited for my name to be called by a sweet voice of the female bartender, but I heard none. Instead I heard a voice of a male saying, "Expresso for Angel." I was surprised! I never thought that I would see the soaked stranger once more but this time he was wearing a dry bartender's uniform. I was baffled of how did he knew my name, but it was soon gone after I spotted the former female bartender in the cashier, grinning.

I walked to get my coffee, I was about to pay it but the cashier said it was free. I glance toward the bartender's name tag. Dan. His name is Dan. "Are you responsible for this free coffee?"

"Yes" he answered smiling. I was not the type of person who you would smile often but somehow his smile was infectious.

I smiled back and said, "Thank you!"

"No, I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for that night." Our exchange of words had made me feel ecstatic.

As I feed my cravings for caffeine, Dan and I had established friendship. And in a way, Dan had started courting me and asked me to be his girlfriend. Who am I to decline?

Dan and I had become a happy couple, the coffee shop had became our sanctuary.

As usual, I came to the café and greeted Dan but he seems bothered. Still, I sat in my usual spot.

"Expresso for Angel" I stood up as my name had been called earlier than expected. Dan mayhap prioritize my order. But he didn't. A female walked to the counter gracefully, glancing at Dan. I saw how Dan's expression soften because of the female. I secretly waited until Dan finished his shift, but to my surprise I was not alone. I watched them from afar, it was a painful sight.

As the female left I walk towards Dan. "Is she the reason?" Dan looked shocked. "Is she the reason you were crying that night?"


"You should go after her. Fight for your love. I am not the Angel you need." As cue, Dan ran for the other Angel. It was painful realizing that I am merely his fib lover.

Expresso for AngelWhere stories live. Discover now