What the hell??

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Teru Minamoto, the most handsome guy in school to everyone there, except for one single boy, Akane Aoi, Reason behind this is because he's deeply in love with his child hood best friend Aoi Akane, but there is someone who is a bit jealous of his little crush, along with the people who like him, so something may or may not happen to the if they try to pull anything with Akane.


"Alrighty everyone, that's all for today so you can all go home, Vice President could you stay behind for a little bit?" Teru had finished a meeting with student council and had asked Akane to stay behind "Sure, but make it quick please, someone wants to meet me somewhere in a few minutes" Akane replied, Teru was confused as to who wanted to meet up with Akane, but continued with what he was going to say "I need you to stay a bit later after school tomorrow to help me with some papers if you don't mind" Teru asked, Akane couldn't really say no anyways he was meant to help Teru because he was Student Council president "Sure, I'll stay later tomorrow" Akane took out his phone to look at the time, and quickly turned back to Teru "Ah! I need to get going to meet that person, I'll see you later President!" Akane shouted running out of the student council room.


Teru, still in the student council room, was sitting at the desk next to Akanes, he then saw a note on his desk he most likely forgot to grab, Teru grabbed it and looked at it confused "What is this?" Teru thought, he got curious and opened it, and read the letter inside, "Wait, This Is A... Confession Meet-Up.." Teru thought to himself out of realization, but Teru felt, Weird, after reading the note he wasn't sure of what the feeling was, but, was Teru Minamoto, Jealous of the person who gave Akane the letter? No, he couldn't be jealous, it would be weird. Teru then realized that where him and the person were meeting was right outside of the student council room window, so he turned and opened the window to hear what was being said.


{Out Side}


Akane was standing under a Sakura tree, the location where the person asked to meet him, then, a boy approached the tree, he looked to be a second year by his uniform, he also had orange flowers in his hand, the boy then walked up in front of Akane, looking very nervous "Uhm.. So why did you want to meet me here?" Akane asked, he was confused as to why someone wanted to meet him, especially here, "Well, I have something I really need to tell you. Uhm..." They boy paused mid sentence, looking nervous again but then continued "Uhm.. Akane Aoi, Ever since I saw you in my third year of middle school, I couldn't stop thinking about you, so what I'm trying to say is.." The boy paused again, his face a light shade of pink "Akane Aoi! I like you! So will you please go out with me!" The boy shouted, Akane's face turned a very light shade of pink "I'm very sorry, but I have feelings for someone else, I hope you understand." Akane had replied, he raised his arms in a declining manner, hoping the boy would understand, but he got very upset with him declining, As Akane went to walk off the boy tightly gripped his wrist "OW! What the hell?!" Akane replied, the boy looked pissed and Akane looked angry yet scared.


"Look. It took me years to do this, so whether you like it or not you going to go out with me, Okay?" The boy told Akane, Akane shook his head, not wanting a relationship with this boy, then the boy gripped his wrist tighter "I wasn't asking, Akane."  The boy looked more pissed than before, leaving Akane scared, he nodded his head, as soon as he did he let go of his wrist "Good, meet me at the entrance when you get to school okay?" The boy replied to Akanes nod, "O-Okay.." Akane replied, he was still scared of the boy, he didn't want to go out with him anyways but he didn't want to get hurt so he agreed with the boy.


{In Side}


"Holy shit..." Teru said quietly to himself, he knew the guy that had just done that to Akane and he was a bit of an asshole that  but he didn't think he was that much of an ass hole, Teru was very pissed, even though it was toxic, he still very much was committed to Aoi and he should have respected that instead of forcing him to date him, Akane looked scared as the boy then kissed him and walked off, Teru watched from the window as Akane then turned the other way and sprinted off, "Hm.. I'll have a little talk with that guy tomorrow..." Teru said to himself, he had a angered face and he was enraged with what he just witnessed 

"Just wait till tomorrow you fucking asshole..."


[I'm updating stuff so pls ignore! 887 words}

"It's Not What You Think! I Swear!" Yandere!Teru X AkaneWhere stories live. Discover now