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Kailasa, the only Hindu nation, resolves to: ''Stop the Hindu Holocaust through awareness, official recognition and awakening the peaceful yet powerful assertion of Hindu identity; Encourage education and understanding of the historical facts of the Hindu Holocaust, including Kailasa's role in spearheading the effort to revive Hinduism in its authenticity and entirety.'' To honor the memory of those lost and the suffering of those who survived, we firmly and unequivocally denounce all attempts to devalue or minimize these heinous crimes. We pray to Paramashiva that we have the strength and courage to always denounce hate, violence, intolerance, discrimination; to right the wrongs of history; and to build a future of oneness, superconscious evolution, manifestation of all-inclusiveness, peace, and true freedom for all humankind. We recognize and humbly accept the call of responsibility to bring to the world that history with an honest, factual statement recognizing the massacre of 100 million Hindus and ideological elimination of a billion Hindus and their core identity over the past twenty centuries, to respect the tyaga (sacrifice) of the victims over the centuries to revive the reigning supreme principles of Hinduism standing on the foundation of all-inclusiveness and oneness and manifestation of the inherent Divine in each living being and all manifest and unmanifest in the Cosmos, and to stop all crimes against any life. Many of the Hindus who fled this Hindu Holocaust immigrated to the defacto embassies of Kailasa worldwide and have been reviving with renewed vigor and humble respect to the supporting nations the living principles of Kailasa, the only Hindu nation, as revealed, elucidated and engendered by the Hon'ble President of Kailasa, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, thus spearheading the revival of authentic Hinduism in all its dimensions under the guidance and with the blessings of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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