My friend, Flower

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There they were, alone in... well...where were they? It looked like a big flowerfield. All kinds of flowers but mainly red ones. It was a perfect summerday. It all seemed like a perfect dream. Until they saw a little sparkle in the distance. They decided to walk towards it. The more they came closer the more it looked like some sort of screen. 'Where could that have come from?' They questioned while still standing in the perfect flowerfield. It played something that seemed like you looked through the eyes of the main character. They just didn't know who, although it felt familiar. The further they walked, the more screens there started to appear. Almost all the same, the only difference is that each featured a different life and person. The how can they all feel the same? So familiar yet in the past. Eventually they stopped, at the end of the lane of screens there was an old shack. They decided to go in. There were a lot of cobwebs and some spiders. They didn't really noticed that because in the middle of the old shack there was some kind of statue. It appeared to be gold but they couldn't tell for sure because of all the dust over it. It was like a weird creature. It almost seemed like...but that couldn't this flowerfield? It was an old form of...of the devil. That couldn't be. Now that they think of it...everything in this world seemed perfect but it just felt off. It wasn't right. They decided to walk out the creepy shack. The moment they started to move they saw a glimpse of gold. They looked down and saw a nameplate it seemed. They wiped the dust off and saw that it had some kind of scription. It went as the following:

'Fear not, for the future is near by

You might be asking, why?

The looks make it all perfect, but it's not what it seems

For the devil is what this means'

'So it did confirm my theories' They thought. They ran out of the shack, away from the shack and away from the screens, back into the flowerfield.

They noticed that the butterflies and insects started to act weird. Then all of a sudden there was a glitch. It was there for only a few seconds, but they will never forget what they saw. A flowerfield full of dying flowers, the insects were all dying, the butterflies could barely fly. Everything was dark, it felt dark. There was a bright symbol in the dark sky. Not like the stars or the moon, no, a symbol. After that it was gone, the glitch was gone. Then, it appeared again and again and again and so on. It kept disappearing and appearing. They were running , fast, as fast as they could. They were scared but they kept on running. To where? They didn't know but they hoped to find an escape, a place away from this flowerfield. Then the glitch stopped. Although it stopped looking like the 'normal' world. They rubbed their eyes, hoping that this terrifying world would go away. It didn't, it looked like they were stuck in this awful place. They started to find a place to hide, they ran and ran but the only thing there, was the dying flowerfield. They stopped when they heard a deep dark voice saying: 'Finally, I found you.' The voice came from all around. It scared them and they crutched together. They manged to say: 'I don't know what you're talking about!' 'Ofcourse you don't.' The deep dark voice said. They saw some weird creature step out of the shadow. A shadow and a creature that weren't there before or were they? They didn't know what was about to happen. One thing they knew for sure...their heart was racing, as the creature stepped out of the shadow. At first they didn't know hoe to react and just stood stiffly. 'Ahh...there you are' The creature said. They found a way to speak up: 'I-I...I don't know who you are but please...don't hurt me.' 'Are you sure you don't know me' The creature said. 'Look up, don't be so scared' They looked and start to realise. Too many thoughts and too many questions to ask. 'Am hell, I think you're the devil so what have I done wrong?!' 'No, you are not in hell and yes, I am the devil.' They were relieved but anxious. They were not in hell but they stood in front of the devil. Yet somehow they had a feeling, yes the were standing in front of the devil but they were not in hell and he was rather kind. Did they...believe in him? 'Don't worry my child, should I change the setting for something more calming?' the devil asked. 'Yes please.' They responded. So the setting and place changed. It now looked like a lovely big garden. The flowerfield was gone and so did the creepy disturbing world. The devil was sitting at a small table. 'Please come sit. Would you like some tea? Perhaps a biscuit?' They were quite startled but sat down. They have never seen this side. They always thought the devil was evil. They were polite and said: 'Yes please, a biscuit would be lovely.' The devil liked the reaction but also saw all the questions in their eyes. 'I will explain soon, I just want you to know, my name is Flower' The devil said. They looked surprised. 'I-I...I thought you were just called 'the devil'... I do like your name.' They said. 'Well, thank you.' He responded. 'Ah yes, I will explain.' He took a deep breath. 'So you might think that I'm evil and bad but that is not the case. I'm good actually and your so called 'god' is the evil one. He set this all up and put me in the villain spot. The only point is that people believe in him and believe he is good. This gives him the power to do so. Sometimes he can rule over me. This happened back there with the glitch, I couldn't do anything about it. You still have some believe in me. That way I could teleport us to here. I like to come here, it's so peaceful and look at all the birds. Oh yeah the screens, those are moments of your past lives. In those moments you believed in me, but unfortunately god had to place the old shack which made you believe more in him. That way he could start the glitch. I don't have much time left. Please, remember to never go in a church. I cannot protect you there. I will send Artemis and Aphrodite, two Greek goddesses that I can trust, to protect you back at earth. One more thing, never ever go into or near a flowerfield because he will find you and it won't end well.' He took a deep breath and looked at them. Still so young and already full of knowledge. 'Believe me' were the last words he said. The next thing, they woke up in a hospital, perfectly fine. They had no idea why they were there but were free to go. They went home and prayed...not to god but to their friend, Flower until the day they died. The last thing they said was: 'In my life I was always scared of flowerfields and I shall never go near them.' They saw their friend once again. 'You were right, Flower.'

My friend, FlowerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz