I became a monster for you

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I used to see her through a window. To be honest I don't know what I was expecting because if I saw someone through a window I would freak out, still... I couldn't stop, she was the light that indicate me it was day, the person that made me feel alive.

She was the one that make me want to wake up... and when I saw her crying... I don't know what came over me, it turned me, it changed me, I became a beast... a beast that didn't stop when he asked for help nor when she scream at me to stop hurting him. I didn't listen... no! I did listen. I just didn't care.

I wanted her safe and I wanted her happy but she was not, she was not happy because of him. I knew what he did to her, I knew what he was doing to her and I know what he is doing NOW. And everything he did, he would apologize to her, promising he would never do it again, and she, as the loving kind person she is, always believed him but he never honored those promises.

This is not going to stop. He is never going to learn. He is not going to change. He is not going to love her or help her or stop hurting her. If I'm a beast then he is a monster.

I really didn't mean to scare her, I didn't want to get close to her. I didn't want her to see me, talk to me or even know that I existed. I just wanted her to have a good life, a loving family, a loving husband... but if I must kill and risk myself be kill then... for her... I will kill, for her... I will become a monster, for her I will kill him.

My beautiful sunflower I'm so sorry it ended this way, I just want you safe, I just want you happy. It's ok if you hate me. It's ok if you're scare of me. It's ok if I'm the one making you cry right now. Because I will protect you forever. You will never see me again, you will never have to see the monster I am again. Unless someone tries to hurt you again.

I love you but I know you will never love me back. Even if you never feel anything about me, I will always protect you for in this long long life I lived and for the years that I still have left to live I know you will be my one and only love.


This is the end of the story

This is a short story I created a long time ago after hearing the song War of hearts by Ruelle. I was really scare of anyone reading this, because it is one of the first things I wrote, but well, I am feeling brave so hopefully someone will like it.


I know it's just a little dark but I felt likeit needed to be created, I know it leaves a lot of information open but thatwas on purpose, you can imagine the character as anything, a ghost, a human, awerewolf, a vampire, a lake monster, anything you want. Let your imaginationfly and create a world for them, hopefully it will inspire someone


I became a monster for youWhere stories live. Discover now