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  Ken yawned as he walked into the school. Glancing left and right just to find his "princess". Not noticing, he banged into a 'usual' someone.

  "What the f-" Ken cursed under his breathe.

  "Watch where you're going. Kenny boy."

  Oh, it was Ryan.

  "Suck off." Ken glared at him. No, he did not like his presence.

  Ryan eyed Ken cautiously and grimaced.

  "Finding for Barbie?" He smirked.

  "None of your business, asshole."

  Ryan shrugged, "I'm not cursing you but you might have a little break-up today!" He strolled away, laughing.

  "This fucker.." Ken frowned.

  No, he wasn't going to belive Ryan, why should he.

  "Boo!" Ken got so startled that he tripped on the ground.

  "Oof!" His face was smashed on the floor.

  Barbie's eyes widened, "Oh no! Babe, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" She frantically asked.

  Ken nodded, getting up from the ground.

  Barbie was still as beautiful as ever.

  Her tied-back blonde ponytail, her shiny pink lips, her short mini skirt that would catch anyone's eyes and her high heels which stands out just like her.

  "Wow.. you look extremely gorgeous today." Ken complimented.

  Barbie blushed, "awh, thanks babe!"

  She hooked her ams between Ken's neck and started to nuzzle him on his collar.

  Everyone would want to be in Ken's position right now.

  "Barbs, class is starting, I'll meet you after lesson?"

  Barbie pouted but still managed a smile at the end, "see you, Ken." She placed a peck on his cheek.

  Oh boy, how lucky was he.


  During class, it was boring.

  No Barbie's accompany was just total hell.

  Ken looked at the whiteboard, clicking his pen every second.

  Ryan was right beside him.

  "Psst." Ryan whispered to him.

  Ken ignored him.



  "Psst! Kenny boy!"

  Ken stood up, glaring at Ryan.

  "Just fuck off." He clenched his teeth.

  Everyone gasped.

  "Ooh, getting feisty, Kenny boy?"


  The teacher bellowed, fuming with anger. "OUT OF MY CLASS NOW! DETENTION FOR BOTH OF YOU!"

  Ken stomped in rage, it was all because of Ryan.

  Fuck Ryan.


  The whole room was silenced.

  Ryan leaned back against the chair, whistling.

  While Ken clenched his fist. He was supposed to meet Barbie and now he was stuck in fucking detention.

  "So, how do you feel, Kenneth."

  Ken gulped, Ryan never called him by his full name.

  Ken was infuriated.

  He grabbed Ryan by his collar, slamming him against the wall.

  "Woah, slow down." Ryan smirked.

  Ken's face inched closer, "you son of a fucker, I fucking hate you. Just fuck off!"

  "Mhm." Ryan smiled innocently.

  Ken couldn't take it.

  He gripped Ryan's collar smashing his lips on him.

  Wait, wrong move.

  No, it felt.. right. Ken thought.

  Ryan was flabbergasted, not that he thought Ken would do such a move.

  "K.. Ken.." Ryan moaned in between the kisses.

  It then struck Ken what he was doing.

  He pushed Ryan away.

  "Shit. I-I'm so sorry." Ken nervously apologised, wiping his lips on his sleeves.

  "Is fine." Ryan said monotone, is not like he wanted the kiss so badly.

"Nothing happened, I was just drunk. Okay? Never tell anyone about this and forget about the whole incident." Ken panicked.

  "Yeah, okay."

  Ken sprinted out of the classroom, leaving Ryan behind.

  Ryan gently touched his lips.

  "Fuck, I think I'm gay for Kenny boy."


  A/n: hi! Hhh sorry for being so God dam inactive I just have a lot of exams and homework. It kinda sucks but here. Yes, I love Ken x Ryan dynamic!! <3 anyways, hope you enjoy whoo!!

Word count: 597.

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