Cat Loses her Giraffe

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Sam came home to find her roommate practically tearing up the apartment.


Before she could process the situation, Cat grabbed Sam by the arms and shook her.


"Who's Mr. Purple?"

"My giraffe! Have you seen him?"

"No, why are you-?"

"Oh, this is bad!" Cat began to hyperventilate. "It's almost bedtime and I-"

"Cat, Cat!"

Sam calmed her down by stroking her hair. Cat looked at Sam with tears forming in her eyes.

"I can't sleep without cuddling something!"

"Well, you can cuddle me if you want." Sam joked. Unfortunately for her, Cat wasn't exactly the type to get jokes.

"Yes! That's a great idea! Thank you so much!"

Cat giggled as she hugged Sam tightly.

"Cat, I was joking!" Sam snapped defensively. "Also, I'm not a hugger, remember?"

Cat let go of Sam and took a step back as she lowered her head.

"Oh. Oh right. T-that's ok. I can sleep by myself for just one night."

Seeing Cat upset made Sam upset in ways she couldn't explain. It was like seeing a puppy whimper and cower after getting kicked.

Cat sniffed causing Sam to finally break. "Ok fine!" Cat gasped. "You can cuddle with me alright?!" Sam muttered.

"Yay!" Cat giggled as she hugged Sam once again.

"Woah! I'm not a- ah, whatever."

Sam reluctantly hugged Cat, awkwardly patting her on the back, for a few seconds before pulling the redhead off of her.

"Only for tonight, ok kid?"

"Ok. I love you, Sam."

Sam could feel her face heating up a bit. Was she in love with Cat? No, no Cat was like a sister to her... right? Once thing was for sure, Sam was absolutely not ready to cuddle with her. Sam let go of Cat with her hands still on her shoulders.

"W-why don't you go make dinner?"

Sam pat one of Cat's shoulders before letting go of her completely and flopping down on the couch.

"But... we already had dinner." Cat tilted her head in confusion.

"Then go make dinner number 2 alright!?" Sam snapped.

An innocent smile appeared on Cat's face. "Kay kay!"

Cat giggled as she skipped over to the kitchen. Sam turned on the TV, but all she could focus on was her roommate. She never really took the time to notice how beautiful she was.

After dinner, there was no way to stall anymore. Sam crawled into bed and felt the embrace of Cat shortly after. The latter sighed happily into her ear. Sam turned to look at her. She was just adorable.

"G'Night, Sam."

Sam smiled. "Night, kiddo."

Sam wrapped her arms around Cat. "What am I doing?"

Sam Puckett wasn't a hugger, and she sure as hell wasn't a cuddler... but, Cat... She just felt so soft. It was like hugging a stuffed animal. It filled Sam with warmth she couldn't imagine. Sam's eyes fell on her hair. Beautiful, soft, red hair. Before the knew it, she was stroking her roommates hair. Cat giggled, which caused Sam to blush. Sam forced herself to stop playing with her roomates hair and turn away from her.

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