I wasn't allowed to keep the beginning because it was 18 pages long

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This is the summary I wrote for the beginning

"Hisoka broke a spinal bone and was taken to the hospital. There, he met Kendo. Kendo said he had a fever and they were keeping him there until it was gone. Hisoka didn't really want to be near him. He didn't like the idea of hanging out with a sick person. Kendo asked for Hisoka's phone number and he gave it because he didn't have any friends and someone was better than no one. They hung out a lot and snuck out sometimes to go places. They became closer and Hisoka started to like him a little more. Hisoka goes back for a checkup and sees Kendo there. Kendo invites him to his room and Hisoka accepts the offer because he is bored."

I followed him through the hallway and stopped outside of a door with beautiful drawings of fish all over it.

"Do you like it?" I must have been staring at the door or something. Kendo was quick to notice. "I made them all myself. I've always thought that fish are amazing creatures. They deserve a little more recognition."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. I didn't know you were into drawing or fish" I said, still admiring the well-drawn fish.

He opened the door and I followed him inside. "Hey, come sit down!" Kendo patted a space on the bed next to him and I hesitantly sit down. "Do you wanna ditch this place and go see a movie?"

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea,,, You're here for a reason. What would happen if you got sicker there or something happened? And what would you do if one of the doctors came in and you weren't here?"

"It'll be fiiiiiine. We'll be back before they even notice I'm gone." Kendo was now looking at me with sad, cute little puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeeeeaaaaase?"

How the hell am I supposed to say no to him now? "Fine" I say with a sigh.

"Yay!" Kendo hugged me tightly and thanked me. "What movie do you want to go see?"

"I hear Breakfast at Tiffany's is pretty good." Kendo nods and starts walking out of the room. I follow him.

After the Movie:

"Come on Kendo, we have to get you back to the hospital. It's getting pretty late." Kendo let out a tired agitated grumble in response that seemed to say "no, I won't go". "Ugh, come on. If the workers find out you're missing, we're dead." That was when Kendo fell asleep. How is it possible for someone to be so annoying and stupid but still somewhat likeable at the same time? "Great, what am I supposed to do now? The hospital is 10 miles away and it's too late to call a cab." Where could I take him? I need to get him somewhere safe until morning,,, Maybe I could carry him to my house? Eh, it's worth a shot.

After ten minutes of carefully walking on the streetlight lit sidewalk, we were there. "Ah, we're finally here. Time to get you inside." I fumble with the key and finally open the door. Kendo is much more light than I expected. He's only 39 kilograms, much less than the average 16 year old should be. I lay him on my bed and cover him with a blanket. I lie down on the floor and let my eyes flutter closed.

I dazily awoke to the sound of quiet sobbing. "Why me? Wh-y do, why do the kami *sniffle* hate me so much?"

"Kendo? What's wrong?" Worry fills my chest and I rush over to Kendo. Why am I worried? I don't care about Kendo. I don't even like this guy. He's so annoying and stupid, why am I wasting my time talking to him? Kendo sniffles a little and looks up at me.

"Hisoka? Is-is that *sniffle* you?" I nod and awkwardly pat his back. He gives me a small, sad smile. "Hey" I feel a pang in my chest. Why am I doing this? He's just an annoying stranger that I happened to go to a movie with and take back to my house because I felt bad for him, right? That's all it is, isn't it? I try to convince myself but deep down, I know it's more than that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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I wrote a knockoff In Another Life for school two years agoWhere stories live. Discover now