What Does he Want from me?

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Ok guys, so this is my first story. I might be changing the title (because this whole thing isn't completely thought out yet) so i will let you know if i do. I just would like for people to comment and tell me if it sucks or if i should keep going. Comment and let me know please.

All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1

The fire roared infront of her, turning everything to ash, and began burning her body. She saw his face through the thick smoke. She was so terriified that she ran out of there as fast as she could.

Ariana's POV 

I was running so fast over the forest floor that my feet were bleeding. They'd catch on every thorn or vine or branch that came along, ripping just a little bit more flesh off. I couldn't stop running. As much as it hurt my bare feet to continue to run, i couldn't stop. All i could think about was the fire. My body was burnt slightly but not to bad. The image of his breath-taking and yet horrifying face, kept playing over and over in my head. My clothes were getting torn by outstretched foilage. I grew more and more tired as the minutes dragged on. I knew he could catch me if he wanted to, but the fact that he hadn't yet gave me some hope that i was at least putting some distance between us. Maybe if i got farther away he couldn't find me.... as easily.

I couldn't tell you how long i'd been running for but, it must've been a while because my legs decided to call it quits. They gave way from beneath me and I toppled over face first plunging into the moist earth. On the way down I caught my right arm on a near by thorn and my skin tore open. I whimpered in pain, trying desperately to keep my voice low. I was to afraid to scream for fear he'd hear me and know where I was, (if he didn't already) I covered my mouth with my left hand and rolled over on my back to examine my arm better.

I waited till the pain had escaped me more before removing my hand from my mouth. I then sat up and looked at my arm to see that there was a gash across my  forearm, and it was the most disgusting cut i'd ever seen. It would definitly need to be cleaned so it didn't get infected. The problem? I had no idea where i was, there for no idea where i could find any water (praying for at least semi- clean water) to rinse it off with. I quickly gave up on that idea seeing as i had no freaking idea where the hell i was. I glanced around for some leaves or something to use as a bandage for now, but there was nothing i could really use that would work well. OH! duh Ariana! I mentally slapped myself in the head. I could just use my shirt. So I tore a little bit off the bottom of my white shirt and with much difficulty and pain from my arm, I tied the peice of cloth around the wound on my forearm.

I glanced down at my feet and noticed that they were worse then my arm. They had cuts and bruises all over them and looked like they were starting to swell a bit. I don't think i have ever seen that much blood before. Oh wait...I have...and then those scary images of him crept their way back into my mind where they didn't belong. Wincing it pain, I decided to tie some cloth around my feet to. Not that that would do much good because they would probably come off as soon as I began moving again. I was so weak and my legs and feet throbbed with pain, my body was aching, and my mouth was so dry, i needed water badly. I wanted to rest here for a long time, my legs begged me and i knew they couldn't take much more, but I couldn't keep sitting around making myself even more vulnerable, because that would give him even more of an advantage against me. Instead I slowly pulled myself up on my feet with the help of a near by tree.

My head was screaming at me to please sit back down, because the world around me started to spin. I began seeing spots, I tried blinking them away but they didnt dissapear. I just kept reaching around trying to find things to help me keep moving, to maybe keep me alive for as long as possible. Then after a few feet it began gettiing dark. The light was fading fast, and i was getting worried. It was getting harder for me to see, and I wished I could cry out to anyone to please come help me, but i knew that no one would hear me except for him.

Suddenly i was in complete darkness. Have i gone blind?! I screamed out in horror not knowing what else to do or caring if he heard me anymore. I was in so much pain, all alone, and probably just going to starve to death that i just wished he'd find me. I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed so he could kill me, and not give him the pleasure of a chase. By the time he gets to me i'll be begging to die, if i'm not dead already. I couldn't figure out which way was up, and which was down. My feet were fumbling around tryin to find somewhere to step. I pushed my left foot forward and tried stepping but i couldn't find the ground. Where was it?! My ankle was twisted out from under me and turned into an un comfortable position, making a stab of pain shoot up my leg. I quickly felt my head hit the ground. Pain shot through my temple, and i started sobbing. Please just kill me....please.....  and then i blacked out.


Sorry this chapters very short, i just really wanted to know what people thought of it first so i havent written much more. Maybe if i get enough votes or comments i'll keep writing. We'll just see what happens. (:

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