g.door my beloved

42 6 4

,,Do you want me to break up with you? Is that what you want?"

Door looked shocked after you said that. It would have never thought that this day would come. Your relationship has been going on pretty well, in its eyes, until now. And now you were standing in the kitchen fighting.

,,Babe i am sorry, but the stream with G was important!"

What it said made you even more mad. Instead of spending time with you on your anniversary it was streaming with its friend.

,,I was cooking your favourite meal the whole night, just for you to not even show up! Do you know how hard it is to make a cement fish fillet?"

It looked sad now. It knew what it did was wrong, but it can't change the past.

,,Babe please, I just forgot and-"
,,You forgot? You forgot our 2 year anniversary? Are you being serious right now?"

You were even more mad now. You were sitting in the livingroom for it the whole night, just for it not to show up.

,,You wan to know what Door? I am done with you. This relationship isn't working out."

Now it looked like it would start to tear up, but you didn't care. You had to cry so many times because of it, it should know how you felt all the time.

,,Door, I am breaking up with you. I want you to get your things and leave, now."
,,No, don't call me that!"
,,But where should i go? I don't have anyone?"

That was a lie, and you knew that.

,,Go live with your friend G again, since he is more important than me anyways."
,,Please I am sorry, don't do this!"
,,No! I forgave you way too many times, I can't do this anymore"

You went to your room, grabbed a random suitcase, and put all its clothes into it.
You gave it the suitcase and looked at it.

,,Leave, I don't want to see you again. I am going to stay in this room and I want you to be gone when I come out of it."

It didn't say anything anymore, so you closed the door. You sat down on your bed, looking at the ceiling.
After some time you heard the house door open and close. It apperantly left, just as you told it to do.

You sighed and left your room. You checked in every room and it really wasn't there anymore.

Why did it have to end like this.

g.door my belovedWhere stories live. Discover now