The Unsub

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Chapter 1

Once there was a little girl named Jane, Jane loved her grandparents.

But one day Jane got a phone call saying that her grandma had Called, Jane had a strange feeling in her mind that her grandma was with her all the time like if Jane went into a room she felt that her grandma was there with her in that room and so on but for some reason all day long she would here little voices in her head that told her to go to the flower bed, and one day Jane was sick and tired of the voices so she finally went to the flower bed and when she did the voice said dig, and Jane did, so Jane dug and dug and dug until she hit a bump, and when jane picked it up it looked like a triangle with a blue stone it the middle what when Jane opened the box she found a key.

Chapter 2

When Jane found the key, she had no clue what it was until she looked at it and saw her grandma's name on it that said, "Marry Ann," Jane was shocked why has no one ever told her about this were they trying to keep it a secret?

Jane went back inside and called her mother "MOM!" Jane said, Jane's mom rushed down the stairs "what's wrong" Jane's mom said, Jane held up the key "oh no put that away and never show it agin" Jane's mother said, "why" Jane said, Jane's mom never answered. 

Chapter 3                                        

 That night Jane went down to get a glass of water and as she was walking, she saw a shadow a shadow "who are you" Jane said, "I'm your grandma" the shadow said, "then show yourself" Jane said, but before the shadow could answer Janes mom screamed for help, Jane rushed down the hall and saw her mother being dragged Jane screamed "MOM" Jane said, and in a blink of an eye her mother had disappeared. Where would her mother be her mother was never a bad person and never knew anyone that would hurt her.

Chapter 4

. Jane sat down and saw her grandma reappear in the kitchen, Jane started to cry "why are you crying my dear" her grandma said, "did you not just see what happened to your daughter and my mom" Jane said as she wiped away her tears "yes my dear I did just because I'm old does not mean I'm blind you know" Janes grandma said, "Well I didn't mean anything like that" Jane said, but suddenly The T'V was static the lights were flickering, and jane had a strange feeling something bad was going to happen, but Jane sat there and thought to herself what will happen and where is her mother?

Chapter 5.

Jane went to her room she was so confused Jane sat down on her bed and looked out the window, but the longer she looked she noticed a shadow, Jane walked to the window and the closer she got the closer the shadow got," ha-ha very funny grandma" Jane said, but what Jane did not know is that it was not her grandma but before Jane could turn back the shadow grabbed Jane by the arm and took her. Jane kicked and screamed as the man dragged her into a tiny room, the man tied Jane up to a chair "who are you" Jane said, "ha-ha you don't notice me, I'm your father" the man said, was this actual Janes father soon we will find out....

Chapter 6.

Back at the building where Jane was kept there was a light as bright as the sun shining in Jane's face "Hello!" Jane said, "what do you want" the man said, "I need to use the restroom" Jane said, so the man untied her and took her to the bathroom, "and don't try any funny business" the man said, he unlocked the door and said she had 5 minutes, Jane went in and it smelled horrible but just as she thought there was a window and Jane looked around to find something to bust it open with and she saw a metal bar, So Jane picked it up and busted the window.

Jane was terrified she was worried that in any minute her father could bust down that door in any second and take her back there was so much on her mind to try not to get caught. Jane climbed out the window and fell but she did not stop she kept falling and falling and out of know where she hit cement, and everything went black.

When Jane woke up from her fall it was like Jane heard a cry, but it was silent like a person who could not speak but it sounded like her mother Jane rushed to the door where she heard the cry from and hit on the door "MOM!" Jane said, Jane was puzzled how could this be is this her mother or is it too late.

Chapter 7.

Jane kept hitting on the door over and over again trying to see if it is her mother but suddenly Jane heard it again soon Jane heard a scream is she ok, but she heard the woman scream "no don't do this" what is he doing to her will he hurt her, Jane had to find out Jane knock on the door and the man opened it with blood all over him "what did you do to her" Jane said, "Nothing little one" the man said, "why did you do that to MY MOTHER" Jane said, "she is in a better place now" the man said, Jane was terrified she did not know if she could be next.

Chapter 8.

Jane rushed to her mother, but Jane looked and saw that the woman had brown hair, but Jane's mother was blond-haired person like her, and the woman was fine she had no wounds or any cuts so if the woman was ok where did the blood come from?

Jane was so confused and was wondering if the blood wasn't from the woman then was it from her mother Jane was scared she heard the man walking towards her Jane was telling him no, to not hurt her or come near her, but the man laughed "you really think—" the man said, but he didn't finish "POW" the sound of a gun went off Jane screamed when the man dropped to the floor she looked up and saw someone holding a gun at him, it was her mother she saved Jane but how will they get out there may be more men they will have to find out.

Chapter 9

The two of them ran towards one of the main doors to see if they could get out but it was locked from the outside, so Jane started searching for more doors while her mother tried to get the door open. But then she got an idea and went to the window in the bathroom and started climbing back out it again, then once she got out, she ran around the building to unlock the door her mother was at "how did you get out here" her mother said in alarm "I climbed out the window in the bathroom" she said smiling" that's my smart girl" her mother said rubbing her head. "come on we need to get out of here" Jane's mother said as she started running towards the edge of the woods.

Chapter 10

The two of them kept running, until they made it to a main road then they ran into a store and went to the public bathroom "what do we do now" Jane said to her mother. Her mother checked and made sure no one was in the bathroom with them and started talking "I'm not sure but we need to get somewhere safer than this". Then they started out of the store and headed to their house where Jane's dad would be

Once they got there, they told Jane's dad about what all happened. He didn't believe them at first, but they got him to believe them after telling the whole story four more times. "so, this killer dude captured the two of you and this other lady and killed her, then you shot him...right" Jane's dad said looking at them confused "yea pretty much" Jane said.

Chapter 11

It's been a year now, and we have been hearing Noises in our attic but every time we go up there, there's nothing there. I don't really understand it, it almost sounds like footsteps but that's just too crazy. but I swear I hear footsteps and a voice saying I'm coming back for you jane and it's just creepy. I'm not sure what to do me and my mom are hearing these noises, but my dad thinks we're crazy, I just wished he'd sit down and really listen, he'd hear them then, I bet. My mom wants to move out, but my dad isn't in on the idea. We went up in our attic yesterday again and we found an old chip bag but that's it my mom thinks there someone in their living, but I think it's a ghost or something I don't know. I have a friend coming over this week, I just hope nothing happens, while they're here. 

Chapter 12

So my friend Sara finally came and its going great do far well not really she keeps on going thru my stuff and wanting to keep my things but its ok but I keep getting really weird feelings from her but oh well, but that night when it was time to eat she asked if she could take her plate outside with her because she didn't wanna eat in front of us but I guess its ok but still I have know clue why she is acting weird but I guess I'll fund out soon.

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