Hidden Love Gone Wrong ( Reid)

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*3rd person pov*

      "I dont think thats the best idea Spence. I am the new girl and I'm already pushing the limits. Hodge is already angry at me because I didn't wait to go in to save the girl." You stated in a slightly saddened tone.

     Hodge isn't mad. He understands why you ran in?" Reid said before you interrupted. "Because of me we have to be here for another week! The unsub ran because of my actions. We can deal with this after the case," you said as you raised your voice slightly. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I just love you and I want everyone to know," Reid said as he tried to calm you down."I know. I just don't want to get kicked off the team on my second case," you said with a slight chuckle as Reids phone rang.



"Ok. We will be there in 5."


     "What's up?" You asked. "Morgan thinks that they found out who the unsub is," He said. "Well then let's go!" You uttered with fake enthusiasm.  "You know I love you, right." He said with a chuckle."I love you , too. Now lets go so that we can finish our date earlier."

        When you get there Garcia greets you, "Hey, nows the time for you and Reid to sit as far from each other and give each other awkward glaces across the room." "Oh, luck us," you uttered with quite a lot of sarcasm.You both laughed well walking in to the meeting room that was set aside by the Washington Police Department for the teams research.  "What's so funny, darlin'," Morgan asked me. But,before you could answer Garcia said, "What? No greeting for me?" "Oh, forgive me, Queen Baby Girl." Morgan said well giving a fake bow. "And dont you forget it."

      When we were all in the room Hotch said, "The unsub, that fits Agent y/l/n's physical description and, Reid and JJ's mental one, is Carl Bradford: age 32. Rossi, JJ, and Y/n go to his work. The rest of us will go to his house."

   After going and interviewing everyone there, we were walking to the car. "I have to us the bathroom. I will be back in a moment," you said.

       Thats where it all went down hill.

     You where walking and all of a sudden you have a cloth over your mouth. Well un the process of trying to still breathe,  you pass out.

*Reader's pov*

     When you woke up you were in a dark room. There were wooden stairs and a concrete floor. The oil spots on the floor lead you to believe it was a garage. All of a sudden you hear foot steps. You go to yell but your mouth is tapes shut. You start to panic.

     "Well, well, well. If it isn't the one everyone is drooling over," the unsub said well descending down the wooden stairs. He ripped off the tape. You winced and teared up because of the pain. "Why do you have me here?" you whispered, ignoring the previous statment. You knew that with this unsub, if you got defensive and aggressive he would kill you with in a matter of hours. If you where passive, however, you might live to see tomorrow. That would give the team time to find you.

*Reid's pov*

     Y/n and I planned on finishing the date at the coffee shop across from her apartment. The only issue was that I have been sitting here for an hour and she isn't here.  She will not answer her phone. Neither will Penelope, Rossi, and JJ. I get a bad feeling about this. "Who's phone is ringing?" I think.  It's my phone. Oh, no. Penelope is calling me. What she tells me makes me cry, like I never have before. But, I had to fight. For her.

*3rd party pov*

      As soon as Y/n didn't come back form the bathroom, they knew. Rossi and JJ came back to the team at lunch to tell them what happened. Reid was not there. Morgan was get uppset but Penelope was trying to calm him down. Luckly, she was successful. She called Reid and told him to not come in but, he insisted.

       Whrn he came in, there was a call. Not just any call but, the call. "I will kill this agent who you all seem to be drooling over, unless I am given 1 million dollars at midnight by the fountain in front of Dr. Reid's apartment," said the voice that was disguised. It was the unsub. Before he hung up, Penelope was able to track the call. It was from a old and closed car repair store.

        When they got there, Reid and Morgan were pushing each other out of the way to get to you. Hodge and Rossi cuffed the unsub and took him in to custody.

*reader's pov*

        Reid and Morgan ran to you. Reid managed to get there first."I'm so glad you are safe. I might just not leave your side now." He said, trying to lighten the mood as he un tied you. Morgan said," I thought I lost ya, darlin'."

        Reid and you kissed like you needed each other to live. After you broke apart, you leaned you forehead together. "I love you so much, Y/n," Reid said in a breathy manner. "I love you, too, Spence," you said in reply.

        "I'm glad you ok," Morgan said well slightly gritting his teeth as he walked away.

        "Well, this is going to be interesting to untangle," you thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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