You meet Ray

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 Ray walks towards you with no fucking clue their on their phone and bumps into you like a dumbass.

"O-Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you there UwU." They say so cutely. You immediately fall in love and your balls or ovaries idk drop to the ground in awe.

"Oh it's okay," you cry inside because you bumped into the fucking masterpiece on accident. You go home and then you start pissing your pants and crying because you fell in love too quick.

The next day you walk you regular route like a normal person and you take a metro idk if they have those in california but now they do. When you walk into the metro you notice the hot babe you met yesterday. You start freaking out and run off holding ur bladder cuz idk you're some piss baby ig.

Ray runs after you like some big tiddied anime girl with toast in their mouth and they say,

"Y/N Wait oppar senpie kunt uWu." You turn around and your face is red and you suddenly grow long luscious hair that flows in the wind and you two fall in love or smth.

"Y...Y/N oppar senpai kunt hunie bunches oats?... Can you be my piss baby uwu?" They say. Your eyes sparkle as if you're like a character out of Gakuen Handsome idk dont ask me. You start pissing your pants and you get married.

...To be continued.

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