Chapter 1

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Bakugo scowled as he picked up a tray from the cantine. They were always musty and disgusting, but he needed food nonetheless. "Move, you extra," he muttered as a taller guy walked past him in the long queue for food. "What did you call me?" the guy furiously turned around around. "You can't just go past me-" Bakugo started, but the guy with black hair, which he now recognized as the infamous Sasuke, just shoved him aside. "Oh, you did not just do that," Bakugo, despite all the therapy sessions, was losing his cool. One must be allowed to be mad at pieces of shits like that, he thought while getting ready to land a good hit at the taller's ugly face. "Oh, did I get Mr. Anger Issues mad?" Sasuke sarcastically asked, patting Bakugo's spiky hair. 

Not one second later, Sasuke got a hard hit to the side of his face, causing a bruise. "Never. Touch. Me," Bakugo breathed out. "Clear?" The tension in the air slowly faded as Sasuke pushed himself up from the floor and backed away. 

"That bastard," Bakugo muttered as he used the crusty spoon to shove food onto his plate. He brought the food with him out of the crowded cafeteria, or cantine if you will. The air was bad and people were talking loudly. He didn't need loud noises. After all, that was why he was losing his hearing in the first place. That was at least what the doctor had told him.

Stupid school. Stupid people. Stupid life.

Nothing ever went the way Bakugo wanted. His plate had slided off the tray and the food he hadn't gotten the chance to even touch was all over his uniform jacket. While lunch break was usually the time he studied sign language, he now had to spend it scrubbing his damn uniform.

Bakugo slammed open the door to the boys' bathroom and threw off the uniform jacket. It stinked from cantine food. Of course, he wouldn't get any peace while trying to get the food stains off. Sasuke had come into the bathroom too. "Freak," Bakugo spat. "You on your period or something?" Sasuke bit back. "Don't tell me you missed biology class too," Bakugo snarled. "What else did I miss?" the raven-haired boy smirked pinning Bakugo to the wall. "Get off me!" Bakugo tried kicking Sasuke in the gut with his knee, but Sasuke simply took ahold of his leg. "Eager, are we?" Bakugo quickly took his soaked jacked and threw it in Sasuke's face, before getting away. 

That shit-head... Sasuke would just never leave him alone. Always tormenting and harrassing, anyone and everyone. He couldn't say he was any better, though. He had led his childhood best friend into depression. Not to talk about suicide baiting him... Bakugo shook his head, trying his best to get rid of the memories of Deku laying on the ground in his own pool of blood. That had been traumatizing, but he guessed it was what he deserved. 

He'd had enough of life for today, so decided to head home. He could just tell his teacher that he had therapy sessions. Bakugo grunted as he checked what assignments he had to do as homework this week. That bitch, Seven is the devil reincarnated. Just who gives that much homework? Seven, who was his programmer teacher just loved handing out homework. Of course he didn't even bother to actually grade the homework, that he had an app for. An app which literally just read the code and told him what it was all about. Bakugo had chosen programming himself, so he would just have to live with it, even though he would love to throw a curse over his teacher or something. That would be great, he thought.

As Bakugo was to lock himself into his apartment, Aizawa stopped him. "Fuck off," Bakugo scoffed, but Aizawa wouldn't budge. That's what he gets for living in the same building as his math teacher. "Why are you not at school?" Aizawa sighed, as tired as always. "Therapy session," he replied. "You have therapy sessions on mondays, don't even try," Aizawa fully opened the door and invited himself in. 

"Your parents have still not contacted you?" he changed the topic, seeing how Bakugo was in no mood to explain anything. "No, and I doubt they ever will," the blond plopped himself onto the couch and started preparing some instant ramen and coffee. Bakugo's parents had stopped talking to him as a child when he confessed to having a crush on Deku. They had dragged him to church every day after that, and when Bakugo still had refused to say that he liked girls, his parents gave up on him completely. Their relationship had turned toxic, to a point where there was no saving. 

"Coffee?" Bakugo asked as he prepared a cup for himself. "Yeah, I need an extra dose of caffeine today," Aizawa muttered. "What happened?" Bakugo poured the boiling water into two cups with soluble coffee. "A boy in your class has been reported for harassing a classmate," Bakugo glanced at Aizawa for a second before handing him the cup. 

"Bakugo, stop pretending. I know Sasuke has been an asshole to you," Aizawa said, grimacing at the strong and bitter taste of the coffee. "So what if he has? I'm quite literally worse than him," Bakugo muttered the last part to himself, but Aizawa seemed to hear him anyway. "How is therapy going?" Aizawa replied, pretending not to hear. "Good," Bakugo said, taking a sip of his own coffee. "Alright, but tell me if you ever need help or someone to talk to, alright?" "Yeah, sure, will do," they both sat in silence, carefully drinking their hot beverage. 

When Aizawa closed the door behind him, Bakugo sighed and slumped back onto the couch again. He was so tired, but could never seem to get some rest. Maybe he should try the sleep medicine he was prescribed... 

Bakugo looked around in his bathroom for the small container with pills. Maybe it wasn't so smart drinking coffee earlier. It wasn't exactly late either, but he needed sleep. If he was lucky he wouldn't wake up until tomorrow morning. Or not at all.

Bakugo slapped himself as he looked in the mirror. "Stop thinking like that. I'm not like those extras. I'm better. I'm better than Deku." He tried his best to convince himself, which worked to some extent, but at the same time not at all.

" He tried his best to convince himself, which worked to some extent, but at the same time not at all

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--- (A/N) Heck yeah, first chapter done. Drink water.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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