Dablyn Witch AU

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(Here is the Dablyn version of my witch AU reader insert I posted a few minutes ago. I suggest you play the song at the "*'" point for a better experience with this one shot, even though it's on the modern side.

TW: Implications of rape, profanity, angst

If those don't bother you, enjoy!)

"I'm still mad at you :p"


"King Enji, I present to you...a gift." The king's son, neglected Prince Touya, announced ominously and intruded in the palace. The prince, also known as Dabi, watched his father's reaction while he kneeled before his father. "Her?" King Enji scowled in confusion, "I don't see anything special about her. She looks like an ordinary peasant." The knights guarding the door glanced at each other as the encounter continued. Dabi chuckled mischievously at his father's obliviousness. "This is the last living witch in the land, Your Highness. You may do what you please with her." The prince-turned-thief remarked as he handed his lover over to the nearest knights.

"D-Dabi...you're...you're selling me out?" Jacqueline, who was indeed the last witch alive in the Todoroki Kingdom, stammered solemnly. Her heart wrenched as she was forced onto her knees before the king. The witch prayed this was nothing but a figment of her imagination, undeniably heartbroken. Tears gushed down her brown cheeks as she glared at the former criminal. Her arms were tightly restrained together by rough rope so she couldn't cast any spells to escape.

The bindings itched her wrists as the king cast his gaze on her like she was an animal on display. "You know I've always sought after my father's approval, deep down. I can't deny how much I've wanted him to accept me. It's nothing personal, love." Touya apologized softly to the sobbing witch before glancing at the king. "But-but I thought you loved me..." The witch stuttered weakly, eager to be proved wrong. The two knights chuckled mockingly at the idea. "You have a strange imagination to think someone like me, an outcast prince, could love someone like you, a witch. A freak of nature, a-" Dabi ridiculed her, looking amused. "Stop lying..." Jacqueline croaked. She shut her eyes, desperately trying to tune out the intensity of the throne room. "Just take me to the dungeon to be executed already." She hissed and spat at Dabi's feet sourly.

"A feisty one, isn't she?" One of the knights commented teasingly to the prince until the king gave him a scolding glare. "You have no-" Jacqueline snarled before stopping herself. Don't make it worse. She thought to herself and took a deep breath, waiting for an opportunity to be alone. "Very well, as you wish. Bring her to the dungeon, and Touya...welcome home." Enji commanded before casting a proud gaze on his son as the witch was dragged away.


"I'm sure you'll like it here very much, witch." The blonde knight who was standing behind the door to the palace snickered obnoxiously. The rope dug into her skin as he and his cohort dragged her into the nearest chilly, less than comfortable cell. "Easy, Bakugou. She's a witch! She might send you to another world and you'll never escape!" The knight with spiky red hair squawked cautiously. "They must teach you a lot about witches in knight school." Jacqueline muttered dryly as her tears dried at a staggering pace. "Actually-" The red haired knight was interrupted by his comrade. "Come along, Kirishima. The officer is coming. The king's favorite knight..." The knight known as Bakugou interrupted insistently. "Shouldn't we guard the entrance? She could still escape if she has some kind of runes in her possession." The knight known as Kirishima suggested.

"So this is the last living witch, huh? I expected an old peddler, but she is rather adorable." An unfamiliar voice echoed through the stone walls of the dungeon. "Bakugou, Kirishima, I'll keep an eye on her. You go see what the king needs." A taller knight, dressed with more sophisticated armor and darker blonde hair commanded casually. Light from the dim torches shone on his phoenix like wings as he stepped in front of Bakugou and Kirishima. Jacqueline struggled to look away as his golden eyes were fixed on her.

"Are you here to show off or something? That your kingdom will have no more witches to burn at the stake when you're done with me?" She snapped stiffly. The witch hastily scooted herself closer to the back of the wall as the stranger stepped closer to the bars keeping her locked in her cell. "I'm here to see why my longtime best friend has returned to the kingdom under knighthood." He answered slyly. "Don't touch me." Jacqueline snarled and tried to hug herself despite her restraints. "I could help you escape, for a little fun." Bakugou and Kirishima's superior offered, enjoying revelry in her discomfort.

"Get away from her, Keigo. She's not worth your time." A familiar voice echoed against the cold stone walls. "Touya! Long time no see, I was just going to try my luck with her. The way we used to." The witch's dark brown eyes widened in terror. "You...used to..." She repeated softly and anxiously shut her eyes tightly. "I have some things I'd like to say to the witch. Alone, Keigo." Dabi demanded from his friend. "Can't I just be left alone? Please?" Jacqueline complained emotionally. The former thief frowned empathetically at her. "Sorry. Father's orders." Touya apologized with sincerity, contradicting his insults from earlier. "Tell me how it goes," Keigo teased his friend as he left the dungeon.


"What do you want?" Jacqueline muttered, keeping her eyes fixed on the wall. "You are probably mad-" Dabi started to speak, unusually timid. "Mad?! T-Touya, I'm heartbroken, I'm scared, I'm enraged, I'm...I'm a ball of emotion on the brink of collapsing!" The witch confessed. Her voice wobbling as tears threatened to gush down her cheeks. "Princess, this is all a big misunderstanding. Please, please just listen to me." The prince pleaded, kneeling in front of her from the other side of the metal bars. *' "Fine. You have 5 sentences, but I'm ignoring you for the rest of the day after that." She groaned and wiped her cheek with the sleeve of her dress.

"I didn't come to bring you for my bastard father's approval or your death," Dabi explained steadily, taking out a golden ring with a crimson gemstone in the center. The witch listened attentively, shocked at what she thought was going to happen. "I came to steal his ring...so that I could propose to you-"

"Love, where have you been?? It's almost supper time-" Avelyn, Jacqueline's familiar who could shapeshift between the form of a dog and the form of a human, interrupted. She unintentionally also tackled Dabi from behind. The brunette growled at her companion imprisoned as the ring rolled onto the dusty floor. The witch's familiar entered the dungeon from a portal she created, which was one of her powers. "What are you doing in-you." Avelyn snarled furiously at Touya, "What did you do to her?" She morphed into an infuriated dog and barked boisterously over and over, chasing him to ferociously bite at...a sensitive place.

"Avelyn, stop!" The witch scolded her familiar, who stopped and let Dabi pick up the polished ring. "Why should I?" Avelyn morphed back into a human and seethed. "He was proposing to me, not bringing me to his father as a sacrifice." Jacqueline explained and chewed on the crystal pendant of her necklace, letting the powder from inside spew on her dress. The witch had her restraints disappear as she stood up completely unharmed. She stepped out of the cell, her body passing through the metal bars. "That's better." Jacqueline blurted with a relaxed sigh. "He still deserves to live the rest of his days without a cock." Avelyn huffed. "You deserve to live the rest of your days with a hex of silence." Touya remarked, rubbing his ears.

"Please don't fight." Jacqueline requested irritably. "Fine." The two agreed in annoyance, glaring away from each other. "I wish I didn't have to break your heart to do this, princess. I really do." Prince Touya apologized and kneeled on one knee before the witch. "Sure you did." The witch muttered tartly. "I still need to know your answer." Dabi argued, trying to hold back his anticipation and impatience. Her dark brown eyes met his turquoise ones for just a moment as she remembered all of the memories they shared and the reasons why they stayed together for so long.

"Yes." Jacqueline whispered. Touya smiled brightly and rushed to the witch's side to hug her. At least, until she pushed him away. "I'm still mad at you." The black haired lass scowled. "As you should be." Avelyn remarked with aggressive support.

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