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She runs a calloused hand through short ginger hair, and lets out a tired breath. Glancing around the crowded city square, the girl's stomach groans at the sight of fresh food on the market stalls. Normally, she would be quite dazzled, lost in a sea of colourful banners and the smell of something good, but right now that smell was going to be the death of her. She had not eaten in two days, and was starving - no, famished. Money had run out, and she rarely got more than a few pennies from begging.

 She sighs deeply, and scours the area, before letting her gaze fall onto a baker's stand. There were six large fresh-baked loaves of bread waiting to be brought, and one rather small - and slightly mouldy? - one sat to the side. He wouldn't miss that. She'd never steal anything of real worth, of course. She only did it once in a while to stay alive, and reasoned that her survival was more important than this vendor's money. Besides, it's not like anyone would buy it anyway. Still,  she felt a little bad as she ducked into a cranny beside the stall and swiped the loaf.

Their spirits were lifted considerably though after she bit into it. She was right, it was mouldy - and rather cold, too, but it was food and that was all that mattered. Thinking that she'd successfully found herself a meal, she strides out of the corner and into the street. 

She meets the vendor's eyes, which light up with confusion, then realisation, then rage.



The girl's worn boots hit cobble after cobble as she bolts down the street, hundreds of eyes on her and feet thundering along behind her. I should've known this would happen one day. She can hear them gaining on her. No way she could outrun a whole crowd... she never was the athletic type. She'd have to outsmart them if she didn't want to end up dead. Racing out of Old Bridgebeck Square, she makes a sharp turn and stumbles into a narrow alley. It takes a moment to find her footing before she speeds back up again, and vaults over a small fence into another mercifully empty street.

She squats down behind it, hoping desperately they won't see her.  The sound of footsteps draws closer, many voices ringing out in rage. The girl exhales in relief as they continue down the backstreet, and apparently don't notice the little fence at the side. 

The relief is short-lived: a hand grasps at the back of her suspenders. She struggles free, but they've found her now, and are pursuing her again. Fear consumes her; they are much closer than before now. Just one wrong step and they'd catch up. No thought crosses her mind but to run.

Come on.

She speeds through a labyrinth of cramped streets.

Come on.

She fixes her gaze on a small-looking copse up ahead. She'll lose them in there.

Come on.

They're gaining on her.

Come ON!

With a final push, she makes it down the street at speeds she didn't know she was capable of. She keeps running once she makes it into the woods, not risking a moment of time, although her body burns and her heart is pounding out of her chest. She can't hear them any more, so that's good. She dares to slow her pace a little, focusing on the sound of the undergrowth beneath her feet and avoiding the branches around her. Something has grazed her arm, but that's the least of her concerns. She can only hope it's not poisonous.

Eventually, she collapses on the floor from exhaustion, simply unable to go anymore. Panting heavily, she lays there still as a rock for a minute or two.

Then it dawns on her. She can't hear her pursuers, sure, but she can't hear... any of the sounds that normally serenade the streets. And also, why was there a convenient forest just sat in the middle of the city? It hadn't crossed her mind at the time but she'd been around most of Bridgebeck many times and she'd never seen or heard of it before.

Was she going insane? Had she had a heart attack while she was running, and was now in the afterlife?

She runs back in the direction she came, following the trail of footprints in the dirt and crushed undergrowth. She follows it back and back, until it just... stops. This must be where she entered, right? But... there was only forest as far as the eye could see. Only sprawling oak trees, towering pines and cedars, ground untrodden by human feet. I think. There is a track that looks almost primate-like, which she dismisses as something, until-

She sees something dart through the canopy above her, humanlike in figure, but... wait, were those antlers? Another one follows seconds later. This one is smaller and less precise, so she gets a better look at it. Yep, that is - that is definitely not human. Betrayed by its earthy green skin.

Completely bewildered, she tries to distract herself by listening to the sounds around her and hoping for something at least slightly familiar.

There are bird calls in the trees, but none of them she recognises. She does recognise the sound of rushing water not too far away though, so begins to make her way over there. Odd plants are entangled in moss at the forest floor, with vibrant colours clearly not native to where she lived. Still, despite the strange environment, she did not feel any fear. There was something oddly homely and friendly about these woods, and any hint of discomfort was replaced by pure curiosity.

 Then, a little bug scampers across the floor.  As it walks, it leaves a trail of black sludge.

Wait, that's not sludge... the grass is charred. She looks over at the creature again to notice that it is enveloped in a ball of orange flame that she had mistaken for vibrant wings. It's on fire? But how? That thing is clearly still alive, and any normal creature could never survive being set alight.

Where the fuck am I?

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