chapter 1. m

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                   This my story!

A girl named Yuri, who had an adventure into the forest and suddenly, she sees a figure standing in the Sakura tree she stares, and she approaches the figure and said "Hello, are you fine here, would you like to be my friend?" Yuri said. And the figure responds into a normal woman and said "My name is Suki" and Yuri responds "I'm Yuri, let's be friends" but one thing Yuri never knows about Suki, is that. She is a witch betraying people and trapping them into her curse. She turns them into monsters and puppets, and force them to kill people.

"I am sorry Suki, i need to go home my mother is waiting for me" Yuri says and Suki responded "You can go Yuri."

*at Yuri's home*

Yuri's Mother: Yuri!!!!!, where did you go earlier, huh.

Yuri: I went to the forest and I met someone and we became friends.

Yuri's Mother: What is her name, be careful who you be friends with!!!!!!

Yuri: uh uh, her name is Suki.

Yuri's mom: I told you, you cant trust Suki, shes a traitor, do you want to end up getting trapped into her curse. I warned you not to approach dark standing figures in the Sakura tree.

Yuri: I- mom, Im sorry.

Yuri's mom: go to your room now kid.

As you know, Yuri's mother was angry, because, she was worried if Suki will do anything bad to her.

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