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Chapter 5 :

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Chapter 5 :

"Soooo don't you have more of those sweet nuts?"


"Nope? Okay then." The fox/ boy / foxboy huffs and sits down to the boat again with disappointment after searching the bag of food but besides him
Aryah's eyes glow with hope and excitement as she doesn't pay attention to the fox boy's disappointment.

She slowly stands to gaze upon the site in front of her. A contented sigh leaves her busted mouth, "Finally!"

Finally after one day and one night later here she is standing at the back borders of the East Worriond with her little adventure bag on her back , a busted lips, few cuts here and there , a cracked boat with a lots of small gold digger and a disappointed but mischievous looking fox on it.

Aryah thinks back to the time of her journey so far and can't help but be grateful to the fox although he ate all of the snacks that she packed for HERSELF.

One day back in time;

Aryah walks through the Mirrom Rows path at night as the stars accompany her. She thinks she is not alone.

So she walks with determination to bring back the cure flower for her sick grandmother. Her only family. So no fear is allowed to come in her heart.

She have to be brave for once in her life.

As she sees the familiar lights that indicate the border of the Mirrom Row she starts running then.She saw those lights all her life from her bedroom window. They are bright blue and red color. Enchanted.

They symbolize protection.

But today she will cross them.

As she near the border she sees no guard. 'Strange?' She thinks.

'Or maybe the enchanted lights are enough for protection.Anyway now I am not complaining.'

Aryah stands there among the many trees that surrounded the border. It takes every ounce of courage for her to cross the gate of the border but once she does she sprints without looking back.

She runs through the trees while the blue and red glow fades away behind her every step. 'You can do this . This is your thing Aryah remember!' She mentally consults herself remembering all the run she did back then with her sister and running away from the fear of her father . All the running that was locked between door all these years suddenly broke free.

She comes to an arena to sit and scan through the old looking map. She takes out her blue marker and points towards the serena ocean that is an hour away from here . Her next destination is to get into the ship that sails directly towards the East Worriond.
Her birthplace.

'So far everything I am safe.' Aryah starts her journey again now towards the ocean.


Aryah's legs wants to collapse as she never walked this much. Heck she never walked out of her grandma's home. Now this is not the time to collapsing as danger starts from here. She hides behind the trees as the forest path ends here starting new brick path . She can clearly see the crowd ahead.
Her entire being shakes with fear of unknown as she takes in the site before her. People are busy. Some loading the cargo ship with goods , some unloading it. Some are travelers, various people with various intentions that Aryah can't catch.

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