character list and warnings

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Hunter Grimes:

Heir to succession. Aged seventeen but soon turns eighteen. Will become the new leader once he finds his love.

Adam Wells:

Goes by the name 'Wells'. He is the current oldest omega in his pack. Aged seventeen but turns eighteen soon after Hunter.

Alex Daniels:

Hunter's beta. Aged eighteen. He's been Hunter's best friend since early childhood.

Cova Laviah:

Wells' best friend and rock. Has known Wells for years. Also an omega. Aged seventeen. 



Hiya! This is my work, An Alpha's Bond. It is an original work with original characters. I'd love to have your feedback on my work, so feel free to comment and vote. However, this book may include some sensitive topics. These include but are not limited to:

-sexual behaviour
-sexual assault and abuse mentions
-mental illness
-toxic and violent behaviour
-strong language
-homophobic experiences
-other dangerous behaviour

   If you do feel as though these topics might upset or disturb you, then I advise you read with caution.

In no way am I trying to romanticise or glamorise toxic behaviours, abuse, mental illness or any other of these issues. If you or somebody you know is in a toxic situation or are suffering from mental illness, please talk to somebody you trust with this information. You are not alone.

If I get things wrong, please correct me in the comments and I will do my best to correct myself efficiently.

This book includes same-sex relationships, and if you don't agree with this or you are homophobic, then place refrain from reading. My only request is that we all remain as respectful as possible in the comments, as we are all human at the end of the day.

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