Can the wedding commence?

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'Why was this happening?' Elena thought as she looked around at the flying knick knacks swirling about her.

When her Abuela had told her about wedding jitters, this was not what she had even began to imagine what was going to happen. This was her wedding day, for spirit world sakes! She was supposed to be happy, maybe just a little nervous, and she was feeling those things. As well as a thousand and one other feelings according to her dress. Her white wedding dress was fading between a rainbow of colors relentlessly. It was like it was on a loop that had no idea how to stop. She certainly had no ideas on how to stop it, and she couldn't walk down the aisle like this. No matter how many times she would stop to take a breath and think of baby jaquins, or a calming sandy beach, or a warm cup of tea in front a welcoming fire, nothing was working.

She would be calm for just a moment then her thoughts would spiral all over again and her dress would light up as if she didn't just turn it off.

The Queen of Avalor just couldn't understand why this was happening. This didn't happen at her Coronation. The dress she had worn for the ceremony didn't do this and she had felt so much happiness during then that she should have been glowing like the freaking sun. Then why couldn't she stop herself from looking like a multi-colored light fixture, like the ones she saw in the Grand Macaws dance hall.

"What is it! Is it because my dress is white!" She shouted to the walls as she paced along the carpeted floors. She wasn't talking to Zuzo or anyone else, she literally was just talking to herself knowingly.

Her friends, family, and spirit guide had already been sent off since they hadn't helped her calm from her muddled thoughts that were circling around her head like a raging tornado. She was thankful that she was alone in the room, she just needed a moment of peace and quiet. She locked herself in this room because it was scarcely furnished and so that made it the perfect place to try to settle herself. A barely filled room meant less for her emotion magic to clutch onto and or destroy if she fell prey to her orange shade once again. If her friends and family couldn't help her then she would take the matter into her own hands.

She thought that if she took off the crystal dress and all the accessories, then this wasn't going to happen. She knew they weren't to blame. She was the being with the magic, it was in her core whether she wore the articles or not. They were just objects that helped her amplify the magic that was already there.

She couldn't get her dress to stop changing colors and she had a slight glow to her skin, but it did seem her magic was dulled without the full assemble. Her magic had only reached out and attached to small bits and pieces like the things decorating the desk or the books. It could also be because she wasn't focusing on just one thought or emotion for long before she would jump to the next. She wasn't feeling strong enough emotions since she was cycling through them all so quickly that she wasn't picking up large ornate pieces around her.

It was a blessing, if even a small one.

"You can do this Elena, come on, calm down...please, we have a wedding to get to..." She scorned herself as she continued to pace about the room. She then grumbled under her breath as she shouldn't have reminded herself of the whole reason she was spiraling to begin with.

"You can do can do can-" A knock at the door cut off her repeated lecture and she rolled her eyes before loudly groaning. They all knew to stay out and that she wanted to be alone, so why were they asking to come in here.

"I'm not ready Naomi," She yelled out, so that she could be heard through the door. "Just give me-"


She near froze and was thankful that she had stopped her pacing to lean against the sole desk in the room. She was sure had she still been pacing she would have tripped at hearing his voice. It was an understatement to say that she hadn't expected to hear her primo. She sighed as she should have known that her friends would have gotten him, but he couldn't come in here. She was already a fidgeting fit! Her future husband coming into the room and seeing her before walking down the aisle wasn't the key to making her feel better.

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