1. A Battle For Dominance. - Childe x Lumine.

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Warning // Contains explicit language and sexual scenes. 

The two circled one another in combative stances, in a way that could be compared to boxers in a ring waiting to throw the perfect punch. Childe was rather good at identifying people's weak spots, and between his ability to fight at range and close quarters, he was rather good at exploiting them. Lumine, however, was a closed book. Months had passed since they began sparring like this every week, and in time they had learned each others patterns, whilst adapting to try and come out on top of one another. She was the one person he knew he couldn't dominate in a duel, and that was where the thrill of the chase came from. 

If he couldn't beat her, maybe he could trick her into beating him...

Letting one's guard down was something that any wise duelist would instantly know was a perilous idea, but Childe decided to try it. He made missteps, and watched as Lumine scanned his movement, like a hawk tracking it's prey. The faint wisp of Anemo energy glowing in her fingertips was the green light he was looking for, but he could not have anticipated the strength of the blow to come. She was truly getting stronger.

Lumine looked down on the harbinger on the floor in front of her, sword pointed accurately at his chest, slightly to the left, hovering over his heart. She would never kill him, these battles were something she relished every week. But the feeling of having truly beaten him was one that she basked in. 

'Not like you to let your guard down, Childe.'

Her quip was one that was accompanied by a smirk on her lips, as the man before her slowly rose to his feet, her sword's tip tracking him perfectly as he ascended.

'What can I say? The view was distracting.'

He had identified her weakness, her guard was impeccable, her offence as good as her defence, however linguistics was a battle he could win every time. His charm was second nature to him, and he wasn't a fool, he knew he had a way with people that got him to his position in the Fatui. 

Just as Lumine began lowering her Skyward Blade, one swift motion led to the blade trading hands. Childe swung Lumine around, pressing her back to his chest, and hovering the blade tentatively at her throat. He had her in a choke hold, he had the power, and this was a dynamic he enjoyed. 

'Should never have expected a Fatui member to be above playing dirty.'

Childe could detect the slight intonation of fear laced in her remark, and so relaxed his hold on her ever so slightly, as he leaned in to her ear.

'You have no idea, sweetheart.'

She shuddered under his breath, goosebumps forming where his words had caressed her bare neck. 

'I'll let you go, on one condition.'

Her silence indicated for him to continue, and so he did.

'You go on a date with me.'

He knew he was going to let her go either way, again, these battles were the best part of every week for him. Meeting up at the Golden House and being truly challenged for one fleeting hour. It was entirely worth the energy he had to recover for the ensuing days, from using his delusion. 

'Battle is the best kind of foreplay, after all. Establishing dominance, and submission.'

He leaned further into her neck, almost to the point where she swore she could feel him speaking against her skin. But while her skin was prickling, her thoughts were bubbling. Her dedicated studying of her opponent finally reaching a peak of usefulness.

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