Prologue- CUBE

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I rest my chin against my desk. I just need to be patient and soon he will be here. He has something important to attend to and he'll pick me up right after like he promised at the start. I mean- It's not like he doesn't want to hang out with me. We're best friends and it's our favorite place. Maybe he's just trying to surprise me.


"AHHH!" I jumped up and slip out my own chair from fright. With a loud thud, my tail bone slams against the floor causing me to let out a silent screech. "My luck..." I sigh before I realize my phone is in my back pocket. "AHHHH" I quickly roll onto my stomach and pull it out. I examine my phone for cracks and lucky it was fine. With a sigh of relief this time, I check who messaged me. Minoru! I swipe my photo unlocked and check the message.

 Minoru! I swipe my photo unlocked and check the message

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Of course.. A girl....

It must be great to get all that attention. One of the girls even let him climb on her back during that stupid festival. She was really pretty too.

"Miyoko... Are you okay in there?"

I jump to my feet the moment I hear her voice, "Yes, mom!".

"Are you sure? I heard you making quite the rusk up here" She states before barging into my room. My mom towers over me. Her big soulless black eyes stare down at me. Her long flowing dark purple sways as she reaches out for me. There is no god.

In a instant, I'm lifted off the ground and into her arms. "My little baby! I know you're sad that your bother isn't here to pick you up but maybe another time!" She says so performative. I hesitate before nodding, "I know...". She places me down on my bed and kneels in front of it. "But you aced your test today. I am so proud. My lesson plans are finally getting through to you!" she says with a proud grin. It is her achievement more than mine to be fair. I nod, "I am too". Her face scrunches into confusion which made me realize that I am not making sense. "I-I like-...Um-You know-Like... I am glad I passed too" I grimace at the stumble of words that I toss out. The embarrassment made me sweat profusely. My mother doesn't mind though. Probably used to me. Her face perks up, "You should be. You worked really hard". She ruffles my soaked hair before standing tall, "Your father will be home soon and he will be so excited for the good news." With this, she takes her leave.

I stand up on my bed and peek out the window. He's definitely not going make it. Guess we can hang out after his birthday. That's not that big of a deal...

Or I can surprise him with a visit! He would love that. Besides, I have been controlling my quirk a little better. Plus, what if that girl really needed him for something serious. I shouldn't disturb his schedule. I made up my mind. I hop off of bed and pull on my scarf. That was the easy part. The complication lays with getting my shoes and not getting caught. I carefully inch to my door and slowly turn the knob. It releases the softest click and my heart practically stops. 

She heard me! I'm done. Grounded forever. My Switch. Gone! My phone. GONE. My-

Why is she taking so long? I peak out my room and I am greeted by silence. Guess not. I walk out and I realize that there isn't a single sound in this house. I rush down the stairs and now I can clearly see that the house is empty. She probably went to the store. I feel a weight lift off my shoulders as I make my way to the front door. I pull my boots out from its cubby. Just a small cube. Like my room. It's all I need and that makes me happy. Nothing is confusing or shocking. Sometimes it does boring but I can deal with it, I guess. I pull my shoes on and slip out the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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