Chapter 1

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"Taylor!" I cringed as my mom yelled my name. I hated my name; Taylor Michelle Ann, or as my moms side of the family calls me, Taylor Ann. I have three sisters and. Baylor who is 11, Peyton who is 7,and Melody who is 15.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes and went downstairs to see what my mother wanted. "Tay, why is your sister crying?" My mom asked. I didn't want to tell her because if I did, he'd kill me. "We were yelling at each other and I guess I said somethings that I shouldn't have." I lied. My sister, Baylor looked up at me and mouthed 'why?'. My mom asked me to apologize and to help Baylor with her homework.

"Why didn't you tell her?" She asked as soon as we went upstairs to my room. "You know what Tony would've did if i did tell her. Don't slip up and tell her either. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you." I responded. Tony was our stepdad, I stopped calling him dad whenever I found out who he really was. "So are you going to help me with math?" Baylor asked breaking into my thoughts.

20 minutes later Baylor,Peyton,Melody and I were watching a movie. "Frozen." "Girls, I gotta go back up to the school to go get some papers that need to be graded. I'll be back in about a hour. Tony is here." My mom yelled. And with that, she left.

Oh shit! I thought to myself. "Hey girls! Papa wants to play a game!" Tony said as he entered the media room. "Peyton, I need you to watch the movie and don't get up. Melody, Baylor, and Taylor go upstairs." Tony was barking orders.

"I don't want to play anymore..!" Baylor started crying. I hugged her tightly. "Baybee, neither do we. But he's Tony, and he doesn't care if we are underage. We're gonna get through this together. I promise." I said.

We entered the empty room that only had a bed and a dresser. This was the room where hell happened. "Papa wants to play doctor." Tony said. Uh-oh

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