~Chapter 1~

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Rose and Miranda was on there phone when Miranda tapped Rose shoulder "hey Rose look at this" Rose looked at the phone and it said something that you can shift to meet anyone you want! Rose looked at Miranda "we need to try this!" Miranda smiled at her " it says first we should write a script, who do you wanna meet Rose?" Rose looked at Miranda then she took out her phone and showed a picture of Ron Weasley "him, i want to meet him so badly he is so cute and i can't" Miranda laughed "i wanna meet Tom Riddle or Severus Snape, i mean i know Tom is Lord Voldemort but when he was younger he is so cute n Severus is daddy" soon Rose and Miranda took out pieces of papers and starting to write "maybe we should try to combine shift, meaning we both shift at the same time" Rose said, They looked at each other smiling, soon it was time for them to try they took the paper and put it under their pillow then they tried to say affirmations to shift. When they got up the next morning they realized that they didn't shift and got upset they wanted to shift so badly but they failed, but they didn't give up.


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