Chapter 1

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Well this was certainly an interesting predicament she had gotten herself into. Stevie Nicks looked towards her bathroom door in trepidation wondering just how the hell they had gotten here. She thinks she might know.

            Her and Lindsey had been hanging out at her condo together a lot. Like multiple times a week a lot, for the past 3 months. Stevie didn’t know exactly why she initiated it in the first place. Perhaps it was their recent closeness, that she missed him or simply that they both had been feeling an overwhelming urge to be together at every moment they could. It wasn’t desperate exactly, just urgent.

            It had been glorious so far; relaxed, comfortable, even domestic. It started out slow, she had invited him over for dinner one night and he had been more than happy to oblige. Lindsey ordered in Chinese and she ate one of her prepared Weight Watcher’s meals, getting teased mercilessly by Lindsey in the process. The dinner was good, a way for her, in her own mind, to make up for all of his rejected invitations on tour. He was supposed to leave right after. But. She made him stay for her “me” time, aka her special yogurt time. She could tell he was amused and couldn’t help but notice that, in the course of her explaining her routine to him, his hand never left her back and he had kissed her on the head exactly five times. In five minutes. A part of her that she kept deep down wished those kisses had been somewhere else.

            The next time they hung out, Lindsey had initiated it. The sucker hadn’t even waited two days before he called, wanting to thank her and also wondering, “hey can I bring you a real meal?” This was his excuse this time. Excuses would become the norm for these occasions. Each one telling themselves that they just had to show them this or just had to bring this over. He brought her over lunch, which of course took place at approximately 3 p.m.; the conversation was good, easy between them. He stayed until sunset. Stevie wasn’t sure however just how much of that sunset Mr. Buckingham even witnessed since he spent 3 quarters of it trying to discreetly burrow himself further and further into her hair. She didn’t mind, didn’t push him away, she leaned back into him. This was innocent, we do this onstage all the time, she told herself, trying to remain calm. Inside however, she was nervous and filled with butterflies and was afraid that she was falling. She was.

            The next month carried on with much of the same; the excuses were running rampant. Sometimes his visits lasted no more than 20 minutes. Sometimes they lasted over five hours. Sometimes, the both of them could not seem to stop talking to each other; sometimes they were lucky if five words were exchanged, instead just wanting to take solace in the other’s presence.

            Something strange began to happen in the second month. The excuses dwindled down. Instead, Stevie would invite Lindsey over under the preconception that she needed to show him something; they would end up watching movies. This started out innocently enough of course, then he started making the moves. At first, she brushed him off, giggling all the while and teasing him for being a “dirty old man”. At which he would take mock offense, then kiss her on the head and be done with it. Then, they started to sit closer. Occasionally she would grab his hand at which he would most certainly scoot in and pull her closer. It became standard for her to have her head rested on his shoulder. After two weeks of this, they did not even think about being hesitant with each other in this aspect.

            When they didn’t watch movies, on his shorter visits, they would sit on her balcony. One time he was there for five minutes, came all in a rush and said he just needed to see her. That made her nervous, the lingering look he gave her on his way out even more so.

            Then it happened, on a rainy day of course. They had been switching channels, her head on his shoulder, and the familiarity of it all, how casual it was, almost made it more intimate than if they had decided on something to watch, with a set destination and time in mind. She looked up at him only to discover he was already looking at her. Oh, no. She got up off the couch and went to the kitchen. He followed. When she turned to face him she was greeted with most lustful, yearning Lindsey she had seen in a long, long time. Her hands were shaking. She told him it might be best for him to leave. He didn’t. Instead he stepped closer. She eyed him warily, grabbing onto the kitchen counter for dear life. He put his hands on her shoulders, and then entangled them in her hair. She was powerless. He stepped closer. She stepped closer. He kissed her. Ravenously.  Pinned her against the counter until she felt completely sandwiched in between lover and furniture. She kissed him back just as passionately, one hand cupping his face and the other entangled in his hair. Oh my god. His hands were going up her shirt and she could feel every part of him against her now. He wanted her. Badly. She was about to find the button on his jeans when…thunder. So loud it shook the apartment complex. She pulled away startled and scared. Immediately she showed him to the door. “You can show yourself out. And Lindsey this can never happen again.”

            He showed up sheepishly two hours later. After which Stevie kicked Karen and Lori out. “I can’t lose you”, he said. He apologized. Profusely. She could tell he meant it. The last two months had meant everything to the both of them. He asked (pleaded) if they might ever go back to that place again. She gave him a weak smile, “I don’t know, honey”.

            A week later she called him. She missed him and wanted him to come over. But not before giving him a strict list of rules and regulations that he was to abide by in his visits. Although she could hear his bemused chuckle over the phone, she knew he would keep his honor.

            So. She initiated, again. He happily obliged, again. They played it safe this time. Having fun. One night, Lindsey showed up with board games in tow, board games!! 2 times a week turned into three and that became the new normal for them. She didn’t know what he was telling his wife. Honestly didn’t care that much either.  Stevie wanted to be near Lindsey and now, she was getting her wish.

            Two weeks later Stevie was caught completely off-guard. Lindsey wanted to know if he could come over one night and sleep over. Just sleep. He said Kristen and the girls would be gone for a long weekend at some horseshow and Will was on vacation with friends. He figured this would be a good time. Somehow, over the course of his visit, Lindsey was able to convince Stevie. She didn’t know what she was thinking.

            The night soon came and it went by like any of their other nights, close and warm and open and always attentive to the other one. Then it was time to get ready for bed. You’d think Stevie never had a man spend the night before she was so flustered. Lindsey humored her greatly, trying to help but knowing it was best to stay out of her way. She insisted she get ready for bed first. And so she did. While he was getting ready she waited. And waited. Ok he is taking longer than me to get ready to go to sleep. Come on, Linds.

                        The bathroom door opened. Lindsey walked out wearing sleeping attire that consisted of an oversize t-shirt and sweatpants. She immediately burst into giggles.

“What” he inquired earnestly

“Your pajamas. They are adorable, honey. Is that what you wear to bed now?”

“Yes it is. Would you like me to model them for you?” He did model them, causing her to emit the loudest dirtiest cackle he had ever heard. Lindsey smiled at her fondly.

“Oh, Lindsey I am sorry for that reaction but I’m used to you wearing nothing to bed! I mean…fuck”

This time Lindsey was the one giggling.

“Lindsey Buckingham don’t you start. Get in bed and behave yourself”

Lindsey looked down sheepishly in the most exaggerated way possible, “Yes ma’am. I’m at your service”

He received a pillow chucked at his head.

            Finally climbing into bed, he saw Stevie watching his every move. He pulled her in closer, held her for a minute and kissed her on the head. Before retreating to his side of the bed.

            The next morning she woke up snuggled into a bare chest, a bare chest she would know anywhere. It took her a few seconds to get oriented, remembering Lindsey the night before. Stevie had a million other things she had to be doing, but she didn’t want to wake Lindsey up. It had probably been a long time since he had slept; that was her excuse. It was not that watching him sleep was one of her greatest joys, it wasn’t that she felt both extremely strong and vulnerable when in his embrace, it wasn’t that she considered her current position home, she had come home. The reason was the excuse; with them it was always the excuse.


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