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A fresh breeze flows in her face. It flows through her hair while the sun warms her skin. Joyra smiles. It is going to be a good day. She walks out the door and starts walking through the village. Every day she passes by some townfolks. Some need the company and some need the help. First the Jolimas, a big family of six children. Max, the father, had to fight some months ago and never came back. So Joyra helps in the mornings with breakfast and getting the children to class. They have a very small cabin in which a couple of different women teach. They have one teacher, but she is old so she trains a couple of other women to teach. Joyra is one of them, but only in the afternoons. In the mornings she helps others.

When she walks into the little cabin of the Jolimas, she bumps into Milo. He is only four years old but already very smart. 'Goodmorning Milo, how are you doing?' Milo smiles with bright big eyes and answers: 'Goodmorning, miss Davisha, I am doing great thank you. I really want to help you today! Joyra smiles: 'How do we ask that, Milo?' He chuckles and says: 'Sorry miss Davisha, May I help you today?' 'Yes, you may.' He runs back inside to tell his mother. Joyra follows him and walks in on Chanella, their Mother. She is holding their youngest child, who is sleeping in her arms. Joyra greets her while picking up another kid, Sophia. 'How are things this morning Chanella?'. Chanelle looks up at her and signs: 'It is chaos, just like every morning. Sophia hasn't been changed yet. Lillian just fell asleep, and the other three are probably running around doing who knows what.' She signs again. Joyra puts her hand on her shoulder. I'll take Milo with me this morning, and I'll find the other three and take them to school.' Thank you Joyra, thank you so much.' Chanella answers. She walks to the back to take the baby Lillian back to her crib. 

Milo ran in his excitement already outside and is enthusiastically talking to their neighbors. 'MILO' calls Joyra. 'Are you coming? We need to go to miss Serpantia'. Milo runs to her as they walk to the little house of miss Serpantia. Miss Serpantia is the oldest woman in town, and she lives at the edge of the town. Near the swamp. Most people find her very odd, but she has a good and kind heart. She lost her husband a few years back and she has never left her property ever since. The road to her house is beautiful, Milo and Joyra cross some cabins in which the people are already very busy with their daily tasks. They greet some of them, as they walk on. 

 Suddenly they hear a loud scream coming from behind. When they turn around they see a short raven-haired girl running up to them. They stop and the girl catches up to them. Joy...ra..' she gasps. Joyra chuckles. 'You should really do something about this, you're almost fainting! Then she hugs the out of breath girl. 'Lucillia, it is so good to see you!' Lucillia, still out of breath, answers: 'Ye..ah...it...i..s....very...go.od..to..see..you...too. Lucillia is Joyra's best friend, since the moment they were born. They are neighbors so they practically lived together. In the village, they were called 'the crazy twins' because they were always together and always in trouble. They loved getting into mischief together and somehow always found a way to get out of it. Joyra was the brave one and Lucillia was the charming one. They shared a kindness compared with smartness and that pretty much helped them get out of everything. Lately, the mischief has passed, but they are still the best of friends. In the past days, Lucilia was at a sewing workshop and just returned. After catching her breath, she finally answers the hug and says: 'We have too much to catch up on.' 'Yes we do, I need to hear everything about your trip!' Luciallia nods and says: 'Okay, so after work I'll arrange food and we'll meet at our spot. After that, she turns around and runs back. Milo, who has been listening intensively, jumps up and says: 'Can we go to the swamp now? I want to see the creepy old lady!' 'She is not a creepy old lady, Milo.' answers Joyra as they walk on. 

Then they reach the property Realms. They open the gate and walk into the garden. It's a big mess. The plants grow everywhere, weeds are growing over the normal plants. It is trouble to find the actual road. Finally, after a while, they reach the house. They bump into a few animals, a goat, two sheep, and an old donkey. Joyra walks to the front door and knocks. 'Miss Serpantia? Are you home?' Nothing. She knocks again. 'Miss Serpantia?'. They hear thumping from inside. A cracking door and then the face of the old lady. First, she looks angry and suspicious, but then she recognized Joyra and opens the door. 'Miss Davisha, sorry for the delay. Please come in.' Milo got behind Joyra and peaks his head behind her to the old lady. Miss Serpantia noticed and her eyes lighten up. 'And who is this sweet boy?' Joyra steps aside so Milo is in front of Miss Serpantia. He shuffles a little into place before saying: 'My name is Milo Maximillian Jolima and I'm four years old.' He pushes his chest out and looks proudly. 'Well well, look at you. Welcome to my home Milo Jolima.' Miss Serpantia answers. 

She then welcomes the pair into her house and boils some tea. During tea, she tells Milo all of her stories, especially those from her husband. He was a brave soldier and fought in many battles. He always came home with the bravest stories. Milo hangs from her every word. While the two of them talk, Joyra cleans up a little bit in the house. Miss Serpantia may be wise and clear-minded, she can't take good care of her house. While she washes some plates she looks outside the window to the town. Miss Serpantia really has the best views of the whole town. One side of her house looks right into the forest at the swamp and the other one looks right over the village. She is dreaming and overhears Milo and miss Serpantia talking. 'So the soldier from Orillia attacked him from behind, but he turned around faster than an eagle and fought back. They fought and fought, and he almost lost. But then he found a way to beat him.' Joyra chuckles. She has heard this story a thousand times before, but miss Serpantia always tells it with so much enthusiasm and proud it never gets old. She wanders off again but wakes up by a strange sight in the village. It seems like everyone is gathering at the statue in the center. She stands on her tiptoe to get a better look. She was right. It seems like everyone is in movement. Behind the statue, she sees some horses, flags, and soldiers. Then it hit her. The plate she was holding falls out of her hand and cracks. Milo and miss Serpantia turn around and look at her. 'Joyra? What happened?' Joyra can't say a word. Her nightmare, everyone's nightmare is right down there. Milo runs to her and tries to look out the window. 'Joyra, I can't see anything, what is going on?' miss Serpantia walks over to Joyra and looks out the window. Then she turns all pale and grumbled. 'Oh no, not us.' 

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