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I haven't been awake in 14 years, 2 months, and 14 days.

For 14 years, 2 months and 14 days, I have been an experiment for my father. Arthur O'Sullivan is an evil genius, and I mean that in the most literal of senses. Deciding humanity was too imperfect, my father decided to create his own humanity; a version of super soldiers powered by a serum of his own design.

Now, I know what you're thinking, this is all Captain America-esque. I assure you, it's anything but. In fact, if it was, I might be a little more happy about it. Happy...I'm not even sure if I remember what being happy felt like.

You see, the serum my father has designed feeds on and creates rage in the host body. At least that's what I've been able to pick up on in the small moments I have of consciousness before the sedation hits again. I am allowed one week out of the month to be awake. They'll leave me on the floor until the first sign of my period shows. From what I've been able to observe, I am in a padded room with a medical table, and various IV needles and bags. They don't give me much time to get my bearings. This seems to be something not even my father could have predicted, which is stupid. He's smart enough to know that around 11-12 young girls start to go through puberty and get their first periods. Of course there are late and early bloomers, but if he really wanted to, he could have stopped this with an addition to the serum.

I'm not sure why I'm even thinking like this. The serum is an abomination, and I shouldn't be thinking of ways to improve it. Perhaps this is a side effect, some kind of hive mind. Or perhaps in his cruelty, my father only allowed me to have this one way to keep track of how long it's been.

It was almost Christmas when he took me from our kitchen. My mother, twin and I always had a tradition of making cookies for the holiday seasons and handing them to the neighbors - usually it was the ones that didn't turn out as well so we could save the best ones for Santa. My recipe that day was chocolate chip; my favorites. My father's birthday is around Christmas, and as far as I knew, he also enjoyed a good chocolate chip cookie. So like the good daughter I was, I wanted to make some for him. I remember it clear as day, Arthur entering the kitchen to tell me it was time to start my training. As the daughter of one of the most accomplished car thieves in the game, I was to take the helm and put my beauty to use. Though the only person I cared about was Elliot; had he already started training? My father told me he had, and that we were meeting him.

That was enough for me. He knew how to lure me in, with promises of spending time with my favorite person in the whole world, my twin. I wasn't always this smart, I believed him when he told me Elliot was waiting for me in the room I've spent the last 14 years. It isn't lost on me that I'm now 25 years old, and haven't felt the sun since. When I'm allowed showers, I can look out the small window in the bathroom. That window will be my salvation, that window will be my escape, and then I'll make Arthur O'Sullivan regret the day he turned me into Experiment 001.

Experiment 001. That's my name; at least it's the name that I remember. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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