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Thank you guys for checking out this story! I'm super excited to write it, it's been on my mind for awhile. It is an OC fic. I spent a lot of time developing this character. I do want to say I am not a lawyer nor have i ever been to law school so a lot of of research relied on google and asking some friends who have been to law school so please don't crucify me if I'm wrong about something.

There will be smut in this fic, I'll display warnings before each chapter if they are needed. There will be some violence and good laughs as well. Some of the character will relive traumatic experiences but i will post warnings before they happen.

Stay healthy babes.

Astoria slept longer than she wanted, her thirty minute nap turned into a three hour nap in no time. She had spent the night before pre-reading all of her articles for her final year at Columbia which would be starting on Monday. She wanted to be prepared, in a few weeks internships would be announced and she wanted to make sure her professors gave her a good recommendation to one of the top law offices in New York City.

She groaned as she heard the faint clicking of heels echo through her apartment. Wanda and Natasha were rushing around exchanging little black dresses for the event tonight that they somehow conned Astoria into working with them.

They were both models, which paid well just not often so they worked promo gigs on the side to make rent. Wanda had her first taste at modeling when she was discovered on campus while she was studying law, she did an ad campaign for Chanel and became hooked on it. She met Nat from the photo shoot and instantly became friends. Now the three of you lived together in a messy apartment in morningside heights.

"Girl! Get up you've got twenty minutes before we are out the door." Wanda banged on her hollow wooden door.

Astoria pulled herself up stripping off her oversized Columbia sweatshirt and shorts before sliding into the small black dress that Nat had hung in her room the night before. The one benefit of the girls being models was the amount of free merchandise they received from clients or men who wanted to date them. Astoria wasn't a stylish young women, she blamed her small town Texas roots for it but the girls kept her in fashion.

She pulled open the door to see Nat tripping over the large stack of law books littered across the floor as she hopped around pulling her high heels onto her feet. Her red hair was hanging freely around her collarbone as she grabbed ahold of Wanda's shoulder to steady herself.

They were both unbelievably striking in their own ways. Nat's signature being her beautiful red hair and Wanda having legs that reached the high heavens with beautiful dirty blonde hair. Astoria on the other hand had dark brunette wavy hair with honey brown eyes and what she called a plain frame.

Wanda handed her a hot cup of espresso that she took gratefully on her way to the bathroom. She pulled her hair back into a low bun neatly placing it with bobby pins then quickly applied mascara and some light powder and blood red lipstick to match the other girls. The one thing Astoria did have was flawless skin, always walking around with a light tan.

Within twenty minutes she was at the door waiting on the other girls holding her bag and shoes in her hand.

"Okay okay I'm ready." Nat panted out rushing through the apartment. "Wait no my phone. Where's my phone."

"Kitchen counter." Astoria chuckled. Nat was constantly spaced with her busy schedule.

"Ah! Yes." Nat swiped it off the counter following Wanda and Astoria out the door hailing a cab on the side of the road.

All three of them huddled together in the back of the cab holding their breath from the restricting fabric of their dresses. Usually the gigs they got were for high society elites of the city. They wanted beautiful model like girls to walk around the party passing out drinks and helping guests with anything they needed. Tonight would be no different, the ass grabbing and cat calling of drunk investment bankers as the girls had to force a smile and act like they were happy.

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