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Hello! this book is based on a film called level 16 except this will be in everyones POVs Love the series x. This book series is also an understanding of the book on wattpad "The Flawless Test". I personaly love these types of books, however, if you're the person about to write a hate comment, please dont, you are wasting your own time and putting hate on something thats about to waste your time "so dont bother" (thats what my friend Mila said). Btw, im writing this in the middle of school so sorry if my brain is not malfunctioning anyway.......

Description : A bunch of orphans live in a severe school where they live for a chance to get adopted. 16 levels on orphan school. Each day they get graded for one taks through 1,2,3,4,5. If they complete the task they get an extordinary amount of powers. But what happens when you dont pass? ( story starts of at home ehehe)

Changes:  There is a VERY different plot to this story than the original story however, this book has the main "orphan" setting as level 16 does have. This book has different characters.

Without further ado! Let the story begin....

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