The Bite-Chspter 13

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The Bite-chapter 13
"Harry was flustered as he started fidgeting. This made Remus laugh softly"
Harry never stopped smiling as he walked back to the common room. When the petite boy entered Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Theo looked at him, the trademark Slytherin smirk playing their features.

" did it go with Remus?" Draco asked raising his eyebrows. Harry blushed deeply as he covered his face to hide it.

" was just a regular check-in he asked about my grades and how I was doing it was nothing really," the blushing boy said softly.

"Sure then why are you blushing so much?" Blaise asked smirking.

"C'mon Harry just share the details already" Pansy complained flopping onto a couch dramatically.

Harry sighed softly "I'll tell you later I need to get some work done," he said looking down as he immediately went to the dormitory and started his work.

Soon he heard three sets of footsteps. He sighed and turned to face his friends.

"So you gonna tell us or not?" Theo asked raising his eyebrow causing Harry to blush and cover his face.

"I um he-he told me that....he loves me" Harry mumbled softly looking down as he covered his face out of embarrassment.

Draco, Blaise, and Theo were just sitting there giggling "o-okay then what happened?" Draco asked trying to control his laughter.

Harry groaned gently "h-he took me to the room of requirements—it's nothing dirty!" Harry exclaimed looking at his friend's faces "we just cuddled" he added, face red as can be.

The three other boys smirked. "So are you two a thing now?" Theo asked with a smirk. This caused Harry to blush again.

"K-kinda yeah he called me his love," the young man said with a small smile as he tried to hide it. This caused the others to smile.

"He better treat you right or else," Blaise said leaving the threat open-ended. Harry playfully rolled his eyes.

"He'll treat me fine don't worry," he said getting up and stretching.

"Well I'm glad your happy Harry" Draco said yawning, this made Harry smile and yawn.

"Well I think it's lights out," Theo said getting up and going to his trunk, the other boys followed suit and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Harry smiled softly as he stared at his canopy thinking about Remus as he fell asleep into a deep sleep.

Harry groaned and go up and ready. But soon he started smiling as remembered it was the weekend finally. The raven-haired boy checked his reflection one last time before he went into the common room.

There he saw Draco sitting there with a teasing look in his eyes "why do you have that look in your eyes?" Harry asked, "well wanna see what was delivered to the common room this morning?" He said smirking.

Harry gulped and nodded, Draco then picked up a small brown parcel with a note attached to it "it's from your lover" the blonde stated handing it to Harry.

Harry immediately grabbed it and read the note allowed:

'dear Harry I heard you love chocolate muffins, so I hope you enjoy my little gift but anyways I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on a walk today when you decide you can find me in my office
—With much love Remus'

Harry blushed deeply "how did he know I love chocolate chip muffins?" He asked putting the note in his pocket and opening the parcel.

He gasped happily and smiled "he got me a muffin," Harry said softly. Draco smiled "so I may have told him once," he said chuckling "when we've only been dating for a day?" Harry asked

"I sent him a letter last night telling him everything you like," Draco said smiling like an idiot. Harry playfully rolled his eyes.

"Do you gonna take up the walk offer?" Draco asked smirking playfully. "Yeah it would be nice" Harry said looking at the muffin. Draco sighed "well go on, go find him" he said shooing Harry out.

Soon Harry had walked to lupin's office and nervously knocked "come in" Remus said gently as Harry pushed the door open.Remus looked up from his paperwork, as soon as he saw Harry a smile played his features.

"Harry, my love I take it you got my note, yes?" He asked standing up and hugging Harry softly. Harry giggled "yeah but not without teasing you couldn't have waited till at least 7?" Harry asked smiling brightly.

Remus chuckled "well I didn't know when you'd wake up so I sent it kinda early sorry," he said rubbing the back of his neck. Harry smiled and hugged him.

"It's okay nothing I can't handle" he mumbled into Remus' chest. The scarred wolf gently rubbed Harry's head.

"How about we go on that walk now that sounds good love?" He asked after a few moments. Harry looked up and nodded gently. Remus then picked up a small brown wicker basket and opened the door "after you lovely" he said smirking.

Harry blushed deeply and walked out of the office. Remus was laughing quietly "Aw your face is so red," he said gently placing a kiss on the raven-haired man.

Harry did a fake pout but smiled. "So where are we going?" He asked softly wrapping his arms around Remus's arm. He laughed lightly "that, my love is a surprise you'll see when we get there," he said softly leading Harry around the halls.

The pair walked outside in the court yard. After a few minutes Remus covered Harry's eyes with his hands. He then lead Harry to the left and walked for a few minutes before removing his hands. When Harry readjusted to the light he gasped and hugged Remus.

Beside a big tree stump was a pick-nick like blanket. On it were plates and a tea set. There was also a stack of books. Remus nervously looked at Harry "do you like it?" He asked.

Harry turned around and hugged him tightly. "I love it Remus" the younger man whispered.  Remus chuckled as he patted Harry's hair. "Why don't we sit down so I can get the tea and food set up okay?" Remus said softly patting Harry's back.

Harry nodded softly as he sat down. Remus then sat next to him as he pulled out a few sandwiches and muffins. "Remus you really didn't need to do this for me" Harry said putting a hand on Remus's shoulder.

Remus thought for a moment "I know love it's just that the full moon is coming up soon and I wanted us to relax before we have to go through hell" he said gently pouring some tea for Harry.

(A/n: hey y'all sorry it's so short exam season is quite literally frying my brain but here's the 13th chapter hope y'all like it sorry if it sucks you can smell the writer's block 🥲✌️)

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