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leah hated school, she hated the people. especially simon minter & ethan payne, they used to be her best friends in primary. even their mums were best friends but that all changed when they went to secondary. simon and ethan had found a new group of friends and left leah with no-one. she tried to make friends, but simon & ethan's friend group would always turn them against her.

by s4 leah had given up. she was sitting by herself in classes and by-herself at lunch. the bullying didn't get any better, in fact it got worse. they followed her home, threw food at her and pushed her, tripped her up at any chance they could.

"right leah, I want you to move next to simon please," their science teach shouted, flipping through the register.

"not a chance," simon scoffed, getting up to walk out the classroom.

"sit down please," the teacher demanded, pointing at his seat.

"not if i have to sit beside her," he complained, once apon a time they spent all their time together. they had sleepovers every week, they would even go to leah's dads house together.


"how was school darling?" leah's mum asked, as her exhausted daughter trudged through the front door,

"shit," leah bluntly replied, kicking off her shoes and stomping up the stairs to her bedroom.

"leah, darling. talk to me, please?" her mum begged, ever since leahs dad left her and her mum started drifting. they weren't as close anymore, lisa could tell her daughter was slowly reaching breaking point. she only wanted to help her,

"I'm okay, I've got homework to do," leah shouted, while pulling out her science folder. she liked to stay all cooped up, away from anyone that can hurt her. that was the way she liked it, she spent the majority of her time inside, in her bedroom.

"all right, would you like a pizza for tea?" lisa sighed. why didn't leah get it? she only wanted to help her daughter, she missed the happy bubbly girl, that would spend all her time outside playing with her friends.

"yes please," leah whispered from the other side of her door.

"okay, remember ruth and suzanne are coming around tonight," she reminded her daughter, only earning a grunt in response. she made her way down the stairs and slumped down on the couch, scrolling through the tv channels until her friends got here.


"hi lisa, how are you?" suzanne boomed, as she waltzed through the front door, closely followed by her son simon, who wasn't best pleased he had to spend the night at his ex-best friends house. 

"why dont you go and talk to leah?" suzanne asked her son, giving him the eyes which really meant - talk to leah, leave us alone. he slowly toddled up the stairs, glancing at all the family photos scattered across the walls. his gaze was set on a photo of him, leah and ethan at thorpe park just before they started academy. he quickly shrugged it off and made his way over to leahs room.

"in the middle of a night, in my dreams," he heard her quietly sing, she was amazing at it. when they were younger simon loved listening to her. infact he never wanted her to stop. as he entered the room he saw her dancing on her bed, using her hairbrush as her microphone. she looked so happy. as opposed to school when she looked broken, tired and sick of everything.

"get out," she whispered, as she jumped off her bed and began to pick up all her dirty school clothes dumped on the floor.

"i was told to speak to you," he replied, as he saw down on the foot of her bed,

"do you not listen?" she asked, starring blankly out the window. "i said, get out." she continued.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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