Our Future

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He knew they would get in trouble if they were caught. It was night, the school building closed and locked down with all the rooms blanketed in darkness. The dorm buildings for the male students of Vermilion City College across the school were filled with sleeping bodies or a room with dancing lights and loud music. Well, at least we won't be caught partying all night. We're just sneaking out, nothing major going on here Goh thought, grunting when he bumped into the back of the person he was following. Ash glanced his way before snickering at Goh's bewildered and questioning look. He mounted 'wait here'  then rounded the corner of the hedge they were hiding behind. Goh crossed his arms and tapped his foot, wondering how Ash convinced him that this was a good idea. "Just this once, then we don't have to do it ever again!" Goh had raised a skeptical eyebrow, "nothing is a 'one time' thing for you, dimwit. Once you have successfully done it without any repercussions, you think you can do it again cause you believe you can get away with it like last time!" Ash had the decency to look sheepish and rubbed his nose with a finger. "Point. But yesterday I found this most beautiful place that I got to show you! I can't wait any longer!" Goh let out a sigh and put his hand over his face, "Couldn't you just have shown me when it was still light out!" Ash shook his head. "It's much more beautiful at night, and we get to stargaze! You love stargazing! Right?" Goh titled his head as he dropped his hand to his side, "I do..... but that's not the point!!! The point is if we get caught, we could get into serious trouble!" Ash just shrugged his shoulders and smirked, his eyes shining with a look Goh knew all too well. "You said it yourself, if we get caught. All we have to do is not do what you say!! And I'm really good at that!!" Unbelievable Goh rolled his sky-blue eyes before padding off towards his desk, thinking of finally starting his project. His breath hitched as he felt strong arms wrap around his waist, his cheeks reddening as Ash rested his chin on his shoulder. "Come on Goh, just come with me. You won't regret it, I promise." Goh closed his eyes and smirked, letting the silence drag on. It only took a few five seconds for Ash to let out a loud whine, nuzzling against his cheek. "Gooooooooooohhh!" Goh rolled his eyes before prying Ash's hands from his waist. "Fine. But only just this once, promise?" Ash's responding chuckle as he gave Goh's hand a brief squeeze before letting go had his heart flutter. Now fast forward to a couple minutes of sneaking and barely avoiding bumping into the janitor who seemed to be sleep walking again, Goh became agitated as he waited for Ash to come back. "What the hell is he doing? It shouldn't take this long to... to.." Goh trailed off as he watched Ash finally walking back to where he left Goh. He was twirling around car keys on his finger, a thunderbolt keychain attached to it. "Sorry I took so long.... I, heh, forgot my keys." Goh stared dumbfounded as Ash scratched his cheek in a familiar nervous manner, who let out a yelp when Goh shook his head and suddenly grabbed his arm, pulling him. Putting an arm around his shoulders when Ash bumped into his friend's side, Goh bonked him on the head with a closed fist. "You dimwit! You made me worry! Now let's get our butts out of here before we get ourselves caught, or worse! Expelled. Unless you also forgot where you parked your car!!" Ash shoved Goh off of himself playfully, ruffling his hair as if to pay him back. "Alright, alright! Come on, fussy." Fussy? Goh raised an eyebrow at the ridiculous word before quickly following Ash to the parking lot, who was a little ways ahead of him. As they walked, or more like sneaking, towards Ash's car, Goh couldn't help but be paranoid. Each step he took, he couldn't help but think someone was watching him. Listening. Biding their time until it was the right moment to—what? So he was a little—ok, maybe a lot cautious. And easily spooked. Goh sighed in relief when they finally were able to make their way to the parking lot without being spotted. This is... kind of easy.. kind of– he shook his head of the thought, not wanting to get any ideas. Ash was quick to find his own car, a rundown, yellow truck with the paint peeling off and one side window with a small crack in the corner. It was old, but Ash didn't really mind. He absolutely loved it. After getting in and Ash turning on the ignition, they were on their way to, to—wherever. He wasn't really sure, but his cru–friend! seemed confident in which way they were going. Goh silently watched the scenery of darkened buildings and streetlights pass by swiftly, startling a little when the radio suddenly blasted out 'The Saltwater Room' by Owl City at full volume. Ash quickly turned the dial, laughing nervously as Goh glared at him. "Sorry, sorry.. forgot I turned it up that high. Should really stop doing that." Goh smiled as his gaze softened, "you really should, dimwit." His friend raised an eyebrow. "What is it about you and dimwit? You should really come up with something better." Goh gave him a sideways glance, narrowing his eyes as if concentrating. "Idiot?" Ash shook his head as he giggled. "What about... mmm. This is harder than it looks." As Goh tried to think of another word, Ash glanced at him with a fond look before quickly keeping his eyes on the road, tapping a finger against the wheel. Tap. Tap. Tap tap. Dummy.... dumb-dum—no nonono! Too childish. Ugh, why am I doing this? Slumping in the seat Goh rolled his head to the side, his blue eyes taking in Ash's form. Goh's vision soon became hazy with sleep as the minutes ticked by, the radio quietly playing 'After the Rain' by Soraru and Mafumafu and lulling him to sleep. To the strange world I want to show you............we still don't know what awaits even one second ahead........every single memory is always inside a ball.............................when it comes to who I want by my side to start walking again... I choose you.

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