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"Do you have to go on the cruise?" I asked my father. 

"Yes, me and your mom need this, I'm sorry." He rebounded.

"But it's just gonna be me and..."

"Your brother." My mother said as she entered the room, "You and your brother are going to be fine, you're a big boy, plus what else are you going to do over your winter break?"

I crossed my arms and didn't say a word. My mother approached me and laid her hand on my shoulder, "Listen, I know you think your brother's annoying, but he looks up to you, so please, be nice to him for me."

I nodded. My father picked up their bags and I followed them to the door, "We'll be home in a few days son. Take care of your brother while we're gone."

My brother was watching them leave from the staircase. As soon as the door closed, he ran down the staircase and managed to slip. I went over to him and helped him up.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded, "I'm ok, are mom and dad gone?"

"Yep, just me and you."

A large smile overtook his face, he threw his arms up and let out a loud, "Woo!"

"We're gonna have so much fun!" He screamed as I rubbed my eyes, "First we can play monopoly, then we can watch tv, then we'll...

I put my hand up, "Listen," I said sternly, "I have to spend my entire winter break watching you, that's two weeks that I could be hanging out with my friends, but no, I got stuck with babysitter duty, so you're going to listen to everything I say, got it?"

"Y-yes sir..." He stuttered.

"Good, now go to your room, I'm gonna watch tv."

He opened his mouth to say something, "Can I..." 

"Alone." I interrupted.

He stumbled up to his room and I went to watch tv. 

"Nothing's on..." I said to myself as I flipped through the channels. I finally decided to watch the news, although I found it painfully boring. It was something about a large storm headed my way, but I paid it no mind and fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning I woke up to my brother sitting on the living room floor watching cartoons.

"What's this?" I asked.

He turned around, Oh, it's just some dumb kids show." My brother replied, turning the tv off. He held his elbows and shivered, "I'm really cold."

The air held a freezing nip, "Yeah, me too." I replied, standing up and stretching.

I went to the fireplace and inserted a log, then lit it up to warm house. Instantly the air became cozy, like a blanket covering my whole body.

"What do you want to do?" My brother asked.

I rubbed my chin, "I dunno, I kinda just wanna sit around."

"Oh..." He moped.

I went into the kitchen where the phone was and called my parents cell phone, but they didn't answer, so I decided to leave them a voice message, "Hey mom and dad." I said cheerfully, "I hope you guys are having fun on your cruise, I just want you to know we're fine and we're not dead yet, so yeah." I paused, "I love you." Then I hung up.

"Who were you talking to?" My brother asked.

I turned to him, "Mom and dad."

"What did they say?"

"They didn't answer."


We both stood there.

"Do you think they're ok?" He finally asked.

"Yeah. Yeah! They're fine, don't worry."

He still seemed worried. I put my hand on his shoulder, "Hey, don't worry buddy."

He looked up at me and smiled, "I'm hungry."

"Me too, let's get some breakfast."

That day me and my brother watched tv, played board games, and went for a walk outside. When the night creeped over, I tucked him into bed, actually feeling like a good older brother.

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