Skye Goes to the Tree of Life

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(Marshall) Skye want to play tug toy?

(Skye) No I am going to the Tree of Life. ( from the lion guard)

(Marshall) Ok bye.

Skye was flying over the Artic part of the Tree of Life.

(Skye) Whoa whoa a little windy, a lot windy.

Skye crashed in to a tree and she lost her pup tag.

(Skye) My pup tag, I am so lost and I need my pup tag to call Ryder it could be anywhere.

(Rani) Excuse me I am Queen Rani are you okay.

(Skye) Hi your Majesty. My name Skye. I am not really okay. I was flying with my wings from my pup pack. I crashed into a tree and lost my pup tag that is how I communicate with my friends and leader. And my team is known as the Paw Patrol. My wing is to bent to fly and my paw kind of hurts. Brr I'm cold.

(Rani) Come with me to get out of this cold.

(Skye) Ok, where are we going?

(Rani) The Tree of Life.

(Ryder) Where is Skye she should of called us by now. Skye come in Skye. Paw Patrol to the Air patroler.

(Pups) Ryder needs us

Marshall trips over a toy and knocks everyone down.

(Chase) Ready for action Ryder sir

(Ryder) Thanks for hurrying Pups. So Skye was flying to the Tree of Life and she was suppose to call us when she got there and she didn't. When I tried to call her she didn't answer.

(Ryder) First I need Ace can you help search for Skye just follow us.

(Ace) Of course Ryder I will help.

(Ryder) Chase you are going to use your sense of smell.

(Chase) Chase is on the case.

(Ryder) Marshall we need your X-Ray screen for when we find her

(Marshall) I'm ready for a ruff ruff

(Ryder) Everest go to Arctic. Tracker go to the forest, Rocky go to the desert, Rubble go to the grass land. Zuma go to the Rivers. Chase and Marshall come with me.

(Rani) Skye we are here The Tree of Life. This is my mate King Kion, Makini is are royal majusy, Nirmala, Balio, Surak are in the Night Pride with me as there leader. These are Beshte, Bunga,Ono, Anga, Fuli are in the day Pride and Kion is the leader

(Skye) Hi I am Skye.

(Nirmala) Hi Skye I am Nirmala. I am the gentle healer at the Tree of Life. What happened to your paw?

(Skye) I was flying with my wings in my pup pack and now they are to bent to fly, I lost my pup tag and now I can't contact my team. When I landed I hurt my paw.

(Nirmala) I can heal it if that's okay with you.

(Skye) No thanks I am waiting for my friends and leader we are known as the Paw Patrol. My friend Marshall has an X-ray screen so he can see if it is broken. But thanks.

(Nirmala) What's wrong Skye?

(Skye) I miss my friends.

(Nirmala) Let's go for a walk and you can tell me about the Paw Patrol.

(Skye) Ok let's go.

(Nirmala) How many Pups are in the Paw Patrol?

(Skye) There are eight Pups and one human. So Marshall is the medical and fire pup. Rubble is the construction pup. Chase is a police and super spy pup. Rocky is the recycling pup. Zuma is the water pup. Everest is the snow and mountain pup. Tracker is the jungle pup. Are leader is the human and his name is Ryder. I am the Air pup.

(Nirmala) That's why you said your wing is bent.

(Skye) The only one who can fix my wing and give me a new pup tag is Ryder.

(Nirmala) I'm sure he will be at the Tree of Life soon. Do you want to go back to the Tree.

(Skye) Sure.

As Skye and Nirmala were heading back they hear the Air Patroler.

(Nirmala) I hear a plane.

(Skye) That's the Air Patroler. We have to get back to The Tree.

(Nirmala) Ok let's go. See your friend's.

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