21. Our First time

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Tine and Sarawat drove home in silence.

Today has truly been a roller coaster ride for both of them. So much has happened. First the whole thing with Pam, Wat dedicating his first ever performance to Tine, then Mil.

As soon as they got home, both of them crashed on the couch.

"Should I make something for dinner?" Wat asked after a few minutes.

"Don't. We'll order in something" Tine said. He knew Wat was tired, a lot more tired than He was.

They ordered a simple Thai takeout and ate their dinner in comfortable silence, both of them too tired to say anything.They then fell asleep quickly, cuddling with each other.

Tine had a peaceful sleep but Sarawat on the other hand, couldn't.

Tine POV

I woke up to a cold bed. My hand tried to reach out to the person that I wake up to every morning but instead found the other of the bed empty.

Wat doesn't usually get up before me. My eyes fluttered open and immediately scanned the room, searching for Wat. I didn't see him anywhere in room.

I softly called out his name but got no response. My heart suddenly started to feel heavier.

I got up and went downstairs to the living room. I sighed in relief when I found him sitting by the window. He looked outside the window as he curled up, hugging his knees.

 He looked outside the window as he curled up, hugging his knees

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"There you are! You scared me for a second. Why are you up so early, baby?" I asked as I went towards where he was sitting.

He usually sat on window seat whenever he was sad. Is he okay?

"Morning, P'Tine" he said still looking outside, not even bothering to look at my face. Something was definitely wrong.

I went and sat opposite. His dried up tear stains on his face tell that he's been up and crying for a long time now.

I took his hands in mine, "Wat, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm fine, phi"

"No, you are not. Talk me to me, baby. Is this about yesterday? I'm so sorry"

"I'm not mad at you, P'Tine" he said with a sad smile. "It's my birthday"

"Oh my god, baby! I'm so sorry I didn't know. Happy birthday, my love" I said getting up and quickly enveloping him into a hug.

"It doesn't matter, phi. I don't celebrate my birthday. I hate them"

Ohhhh! It hit me then. His sister.

"If wasn't stupid enough to cry cause they forgot my birthday, none of it would've ever happened, P'Tine"

"You were 10, Wat. Anyone would've done the same thing"

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