Ariana Scott

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It is 6 am and I am lying awake in my cottage, on my lumpy bed. So often it gets too lonely living alone with no family. I got used to it though, I've been living this life since I was 12, since my mother died, since my powers activated... I am 17 now and done with school (All my mum’s money was given to me by some lawyer) thinking about college. Yes, now, powers... When I was 13, I was sitting on the beach and a sudden urge to climb into the water came over me. Not having enough strength to ignore it I slowly made for the sea. The water was up till my knees, then to my waist and finally I was fully in the water but I couldn't be as I was breathing perfectly fine. I heard this whisper a sound barely audible yet so clear “My daughter...” And it rippled through the water over and over till it was silent. The next day there was a letter on the mat in front of the door saying from dad, I tore the letter frantically and in it was a small piece of paper saying
 'Ariana Catherine Scott, Half-blood, Daughter of Poseidon, the sea' 
and I understood...
I'm 17 now, mastering my powers, I have met a few of my kin, 2 of them are dead, killed by a manticore (half-man, half bull), 3 are in hiding and 1 lives 2 minutes from my house .His name is Shawn and he is a son of Hades, lord of the dead and he too lives alone. Aged 20, he is my boyfriend. Unable to sleep I got dressed, took my sword (I’ve learned never to leave without it) and left for his house. Banging on the door until I heard his sleepy voice saying “Coming…I’m coming” He opened the door and greeted me with a kiss,”Agh! Didn’t you brush?”  He smiled. I looked into his pitch black eyes which were filled with concern. His hair stuck up at odd angles like he’d been in the middle of a tornado and his completion paler than usual “What’s wrong?” I asked “Bad dreams?” He nodded. “Well go brush and we’ll go to the beach.”He obeyed, too tired to argue I think.
At the beach my head worked well. I asked him about this dream, usually I’d just do something to cheer him up but this one really seemed to have shaken him up so I wanted to know.”It showed the whole area in a massive hurricane of water and fire, you and a hydra in the middle…” He broke off looking away. “Hey, it’s OK,” I said gently “No hydra could beat me,”
“I don’t know Ari, it was pretty big,” he said between shaky breaths. I knew this as I had seen the same dream.
Just then the waves roared and the same I had seen in my dream hydra came bustling out. It had the same sea-green hide and bright yellow eyes. “Run!” I yelled to Shawn but of course he didn’t but the hydra didn’t seem to be interested with him. All it’s seven heads spit acid and fire, having good reflexes, I dogged it. I ran into the water hoping it would follow me and thank the gods it did. The water gave me new strength and I slashed with my sword with all by strength but it just came at me again. Then I called a hurricane hoping that would stop him. I did slow him down but not stop. The ground was shaking so violently it was hard to keep balance. There were a series of loud bangs coming from the ocean but I didn’t have time to worry about that. I thought the ground was a little more stable. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn watching with dread as he could do nothing, his powers were useless against this thing, so he just watched. I felt this rage, I could not let this monster take away the little I had. I screamed with rage and before I knew it I was controlling the hydras’ blood. I felt his arteries, veins and its heart (yes this thing had a heart) explode. It lay there for some moments and then crumbled and was gone. The exhaustion caught up with me and I passed out, the last thing I heard was Shawn yelling my name…
I woke up in my cottage and a boy with sandy hair, bright blue eyes and olive skin was standing over me “Jack!” I crocked and tried to get up but he pushed me down “Rest, you used a lot of your power,” Jack was a child of Apollo (so he was a healer) and we’d met when he was in town a few months ago. “Shawn called me and told what happened and I came as fast as I could,”
“Where is Shawn?” I realized he wasn’t there.
“Don’t worry he’s gone out a bit he’ll be back anytime now. He hasn’t slept for 2 days straight!” he said with a hint of amazement. Just then the bell rang and Shawn came in with 2 bags. He dropped the bags, ran at me and gave me a big hug “Never scare me like that again, you hear me?” he said and kissed 
“Get a room you two!” Jack said jokingly. 
“I want to show you something,” said Shawn and he showed me the local newspaper with the headline saying ‘NEW ISLAND FOUND!’ 
“The loud bangs… I moved the tectonic plates… Oh my gods, I created a new island!” I was so stunned
“That’s why you drained so much power,” Jack said matter of factly. 
A few days later things were back to normal. Jack left for home again and me and Shawn were back to living like normal kids as well as we could. The most unusual thing that happened was a letter from my dad saying:
 ‘I’m proud of you and be prepared’. 
Be prepared for what? Then it came to me, why was the hydra only interested in killing me there were hundreds of people in the city, why attack me. There was only one answer that came to my mind, Someone had sent it to kill me…

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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