
"Your highness, please."

"Ugh . . . " I could hear someone calling me, but I was half asleep and too comfortable to care.

"Prince Y/n!" they said a little louder.

"Huh?" I lifted my face from my pillow to find one of our servants, Chester, frowning at me.

"Finally," he sighed. "Your father's speech is in fifteen minutes. I've been trying to wake you for an hour!"

"Speech . . . ?" I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "What spee-- The speech! Crap!"

I jumped up from bed, remembering my dad, the Emperor of Ninjago, was supposed to give a speech today, and I was supposed to be there. It had all been planned way in advance, and he was probably already upset with me for not being ready. I looked around frantically to find my outfit all set up across the room, and I threw a smile to Chester, knowing he had likely set my outfit up.

"Thanks, Chester. You're a lifesaver," I told him, snatching the outfit and disappearing behind a changing screen.

"No, you are the lifesaver, my prince," Chester said warily. "If you had not woken up, surely the blame would have been partly mine."

"Well, we all know I work well in the last five minutes," I grinned, not that he could see it.

I nearly fell over tugging my pants on, a gray pair, and I pulled on my fancy, green jacket. It was like my dad's, only a little less fancy. I left it open, showing off the silky green shirt underneath. I was never quite sure what the deal was with the color green, but I looked fine in it, so I wasn't about to complain. I stepped out from behind the screen and ran my hands through my hair, figuring that was good enough.

"I will go prepare you a quick breakfast," Chester said, leaving the room.

"Thank you, Chester!" I called after him.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror before heading out the door, but I paused as I spotted something on my nightstand. It was a little, rainbow pin.

Yes, I was very gæ, but I wasn't really supposed to flaunt it. Something about a reputation to uphold. It kinda sucked, and at the moment, I was kinda bitter about it, so I grabbed the pin and pinned it to my jacket, knowing full well my parents would have it in for me if they found out I'd worn it to a public event.

Oh well. I've lived nineteen years. That's long enough, isn't it? I can afford to die.

Checking the cock [editor James: *chokes* CLOCK], I ran out of my room. Eight minutes. That's totally enough time to eat something first. I ran down the hall and skidded into the fancy dining room. Chester was there waiting for me, holding a muffin.

"Thanks again, Chester," I smiled, grabbing it and taking off in the other direction towards the front of the palace where dad was giving his speech. I shoved the muffin in my mouth, whole. I was nearly there, but as I turned the last corner, sprinting out the side entrance where I would make less of a scene, I collided with someone, knocking them to the ground.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized quickly, my voice muffled by the muffin but probably still understandable. I swallowed and held out a hand to help them back up. "Are you okay?"

As I held my hand out, I realized that I hadn't run onto just anyone. I'd run into the Green Ninja. I couldn't remember hearing anything about the ninja coming, but I supposed it made sense for them to be around seeing as that one Oni mask was stolen? Almost stolen? I'd heard it mentioned in passing, and we had one, too, so it was a concern that it might be stolen as well. The Green Ninja quickly picked himself up off the ground, brushing himself off.

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