Nonintimate: Delusional

220 18 7

TW - Delusion , Obsession, OUT OF CHARACTER!!, mental illness

BYR- I am not fully up to date on the DreamSMP, i watch it casually and therefore this will not follow canon, i am sorry but if you're looking for a canon accurate fic go elsewhere!

Also i want to take some liberties with what characters i use so!!

anyway, enjoy :D


With a thud, thud, thud, and a loud crack, the large birch tree fell. It had been a few months since Y/N had begun their adventure in the SMP, they'd spent weeks wondering mountains, deserts and forests, without the slightest sign of life aside from the odd village.

Though as they did pass through villages, they heard passing rumours of powerful nations, battling powers, and this helped inform their journey. Y/N was aiming to get to L'manburg.

They spent some time breaking down the wood from the recently fallen tree and strapping a few logs to their pack, It'd been a long arduous  journey and they desperately needed to rest, but as the sun began to set, they peaked over the top of a cliff to see a large city, bustling with people.

"This must be it.." They thought to themselves, in awe of the massive nation in front of them. As they eagerly journeyed down the mountain to the nation ahead of them, they were abruptly stopped by a loud voice,

"Identify yourself!"

As they heard the voice they scrambled around, searching for the sound of the voice as they meekly retorted "Y/N! I-I'm just a traveller!". With this, 2 figures stepped out from behind the trees, both wearing the same uniform. One had scruffy brown hair and small horns poking through his hat, whereas the other was blonde, standing just taller than the his companion, glaring down the traveler.

After a long pause, the Blonde spoke "Hm, a traveller huh? I've not seen you on my patrols before, are you new here?" - He could barely get out his words before the brunette could interject, hand outstretched "Welcome to L'manburg!! I'm Tubbo!!"

The traveler gently took his hand with a smile, "I'm Y/N, it's so great to hear I'm finally here.." They said with a sigh and a small chuckle. This seemed to puzzle the pair "Finally?, have you been travelling long?" the blonde asked again, before Tubbo interjected "Introduce yourself before you ask so many questions!". He looked down with a groan before turning to Y/N "I'm Tommy" he seemed to stand up a bit as he spoke "I protect the freedom of L'manburg!" Tubbo joined him as they stood up, strong, with their swords in hand.

Y/N let out a little laugh at the sigh, "you two are.. certainly interesting. But now that introductions are over, could I pass? It's been a very long journey and I'd love to rest" They said motioning to the city behind them. "Of course!! but uh,, maybe we should introduce you to willbur? He loves to meet potential new ally's!" Tubbo beamed, Y/N couldn't help but comply, he seemed so positive. Tommy nodded in agreement and motioned for Y/N to follow the two of them.

They walked through the main gates, and into the Nations major city. The streets were lit with warm lanterns, the architecture was nothing like what Y/N had experienced on their travels, with large wooden buildings towering over the narrow walkways, elegant light fixtures and guards posted around the city. "It's beautiful here.." Y/N thought out loud, Tommy turning and shining them a smile "Isn't it!" he spoke passionately, he clearly loved his nation. "We help build it all with Wilbur, it took so much, but he lead us here, i'm determined to prove my worth to this nation" . Y/N listened intently as Tommy spoke about his love for his home, it inspired Y/N and they felt they were going to enjoy it here.

His passionate ramblings suddenly stopped though, as they began to near what seemed to be the presidential office. He turned his head to Y/N and slowed his pace "Listen before we go, just stay away from up north. It's dangerous and the people there won't hesitate to hurt you." His eyes were cold and serious, tubbo looked down to the ground, almost saddened by his words. Y/N just nodded in agreement, earning a weak smile from Tommy before they turned back to the building they were now in front of it. As they stopped, they saw a man standing on the stairs "Tommy! Tubbo! What are you doing back this early? You can't of possibly finished your patrol yet?"

"No sir! but we bumped into a traveller, perhaps a new ally? We wanted to bring them to you" Tommy said with a smile, Tubbo interjecting with "Yeah! they've never been to L'manburg before!!". Wilbur's stern expression softened as he walked down the steps of the presidential building. As he stood before y/n he out stretched his hand with a warm smile "it's a pleasure to meet you, your name being?" "Y/N, a pleasure to meet you aswell" They responded with a smile, as wilbur took their hand, laying a small kiss on the top of it "Well, Welcome to L'manburg Y/N, please, do follow me". As he turned on his heal, he flicked his hand and Tubbo and tommy returned to your side, as they escorted you up the stairs to the building.

This was all quite a lot for Y/N, their nerves were quite high, as they looked around they felt themselves lock eyes with someone, sitting on a rooftop, but with a blink they were gone. A bit shaken; they kept their eyes forward, not wanting any trouble.


Wilbur paced around anxiously on the steps of the presidential building, he was expecting a message from a certain somebody today. He was incredibly anxious, they weren't prepared enough for a war yet, too short staffed, and he knew technoblade had it out for him, "who knows who he'd stoop to allying with?" he thought to himself, scoffing at the thought of that idiot.

But he was quickly brought out from his thoughts when he noticed 3 figures approaching, he immediately recognised 2 of them as his loyal noblemen, Tommy and Tubbo, but the third he did not recognise them. He was instantly drawn back, first angered, what where they doing back so early?! but then as the anger subsided, he became intrigued. It had been long since Wilbur had met a traveller, let alone someone who had not visited L'manburg.

As they introduced themselves and Tubbo and Tommy began explaining why they were back early from their patrol, he noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye, staring at the four of them, unmoving. This clicked in Wilburs brain "the message.." and as quickly as he acknowledged the figure, they were gone, so with a soft sigh he pushed his hair back, before beginning to lead the three inside. He dropped a small scrap of paper he had been holding at his feet, "message received."

"If they wanted to drop a message, this certainly was a message" he thought. "But a whole person?! A traveller, what could this possibly mean?" Wilburs mind began to race as the three of them walked behind him into the presidential building.


After introductions and paperwork of registering Y/N as a L'manburg visitor, Wilbur was becoming increasingly stressed. The more information he filled out, the more information he learned from Y/N, the more he felt that these were pieces fitting into a puzzle. This name? Is it a code? The date of birth? perhaps a prophecy? All, important information. He was beginning to crash slightly, but before long, his rushing thoughts were broken,

"Wilbur?" A soft voice spoke

He looked up to see Y/N, it had only just dawned on him the two of them had sat in utter silence for over 5 minutes.

"Ah, sorry dear, just reading over your paperwork." His thoughts began to soothe, perhaps they were a message, but not from the enemy? "Would you be willing to stay here tonight? We have plenty of guest bedrooms" He spoke softly, letting their eyes meet.

"Oh i wouldn't want to be a bother-" Y/N began, before wilbur quickly interrupted "No no, there is no need to worry" as he quickly stood, linking his arm with the travellers and walking out of the room practically dragging them along.

His mind raced when their skin touched, perhaps this is what divine intervention he needed. Perhaps this was his blessing. Wilbur was slightly shaken at the thoughts, but they felt so true, everything made so much sense to him, this person.. this blessing, was here to guide him and his nation to victory. And at the end of the day, the only think that mattered to Wilbur was victory.


sorry this was a short intro chapter!! not proof read or anything, and yes i want to portray Wilbur with a god complex lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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