Snake in the Grass

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This is the first bit of my first story on Wattpad. I'm not sure how long the story will be. I hope you like it!


It had finally been decided. This was the only way they could win. They had no choice.


She sat straight as a poker, watching her friend Mary's attempt at knitting with undiguised disgust. Mary chattered aimlessly on, unaware of Yasmina's boredom. Suddenly the unthinkable happened- Mary said something of interest.

"They're putting on a fireworks display tomorrow?" Yasmina sounded surprised. Mary said yes and a disco afterwards. That reminded her. She "simply had to find something to wear..."


Helen was bored out of her mind. The teacher asked a question "which she could have answered in Year 4", Helen thought bitterly. She raised a hand halfway before she heard a hissed "Nerd!" Slowly she let her hand fall...


"Ye gonna be there?" The question struck like a bullet, shattering Tommy's deplorable pretence of nonchalence. Tommy's hands quivered, his lips suddenly dry. "You're going soft", he told himself. "It's only another job." If he had a bad feeling about this one, what did it matter? It mattered alot but Tommy was not to know this.

"Course", he whispered...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2011 ⏰

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