The Birth of Fire

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Long long ago, when the world was still a murky mystery, before the sky had fully formed, before land was inhabitable by life as we know it, before the elements had taken full form, there lived four spirits.

These spirits shared a friendship as close as siblings. Aether, Anil, Anahita and Ardi floated and prowled around the void of darkness that they identified as earth.
A perfectly ordinary day was where our story begins. Anahita was swimming in her oceans, Ardi was creating islands here and there and Anil was blowing gusts of wind to carry himself around the world.

Ardi was the stable soul, the kind and understanding one, the empathetic and caring one. The wise mentor.
Anahita was the open soul, the straightforward and honest one, the energetic and hilarious one. The life of the party.
Anil was the mysterious soul, the intelligent and quiet one, the ambitious and thoughtful one. The brilliant mind.
Aether was the reckless soul, the adventurous and courageous one, the creative and curious one. The unpredictable.

And she has just discovered an exciting revelation about her abilities and is absolutely overjoyed.
Floating over the area most populated by the creations of the spirits, Aether called upon her power. With the ability to summon and bend light at her will, she directs a beam of her source against the surface of Anahita's most treasured creation, a body of clear water that shimmers like crystals even without her presence to illuminate it. All it took was to turn the beam a certain angle, and it would bounce off to brighten the land of Ardi.

The reflection of the beams seemed to multiply in strength as they hit what Ardi calls his "trees." First, a small and red luminescent emerged from the spot where Aether's beam came in contact with the plant. She watched with great interest as it expanded into the most terrifyingly beautiful thing that Aether had ever seen in her short plane of existence, consuming the green canopies of Ardi's creations within mere moments with a flash of red.
When Aether decided to investigate the growing layers of thick red, she discovered that direct contact forced her body to emit a substantial amount of pain and...she did not know nor understand why and how there were beads of water soaking her entire body from head to toe when she walked out of the previously green forest.

Aether also did not understand why Ardi, Anahita and Anil were ignoring her the next day. She had done something to upset all three of them at once and Aether, despite her bright nature, was quite ignorant towards her wrongs.
It was only the 3rd time that Aether tested out her little trick when she discovered the reason behind the distance from her peers.

Surprisingly, Anil was the first to confront his friend.
"Aether, you've got to stop that! Whatever thing you've been doing with your light these past three days!"
"It's called fire, and I don't understand." It was true, Aether can not comprehend her wrongs. Perhaps because she did not want to.
"Can't you see?" Anil sighed in frustration. "Can't you see the black air that has been polluted by that substance of yours? I could barely fly around that area without coughing!"
Anil's complaints were replicated the next day, but by Ardi for his land.
"I understand why you want to play with your powers, but you're destroying my property and I can't have that!"
The third spirit, Anahita, was the worst of them all.
"Aether, you're ruining my favourite water. It has been bubbling for a while now, and I can't get it to stop! If you don't stop doing whatever you're doing, trust me to destroy you!"

That final threat was what placed Aether into stubborn and/or competitive mode. The casual yet accusatory use of the word "you" was what inspired her to go on a rampage in the exact area she first discovered the reddish light, burning down as many landscapes that she could, emitting dark gases into air, boiling over lagoons. All the while leaving a charred trail of destruction in her wake.

Aether found that she couldn't stop. A demon had emerged from the depths of her heart. She was addicted to "fire" now, the crackling air, the charred trees, the different water. She found that she didn't care about her friends and their creations...not one bit.
The other spirits were left with no choice, she was no longer who they thought she was. They must stop her new creation before everything, everything they worked for since their existence vanishes into nothingness.

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