1 : brookyln's party

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"Oh give it fucking rest asswhole" Mandy cursed at her brother as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Fucking bitch" Mickey mumbled reluctantly. Mandy rolled her eyes and ignored his antics.

"Wait, we have to stop by Karen's house" Mandy reminded him, making them turn around.

"For fucking what?"

"Winter came home today from her dad's house!" Mandy said excitedly.

"That fucking weird bitch who you used to be friends with?" Mickey asked confused.

"Yes. She's not weird" Mandy defended her quickly. She slapped the back of Mickey's head. They walked up the Jackson's family steps.

Mandy knocked lightly at the door. Sheila opened the door slightly with a smile. "Oh hi Mrs. Jackson, is Winter home?" Mandy asked politely.

"Oh yes," Sheila responded. "Winter honey, The Milkovich's are here!"

Winter walked down the steps quickly. She grabbed her red velvet jacket off the coat hanger. She gave her mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Mom I'll back tomorrow! Tell Karen to get me some snacks on her way back from Lip's place" Winter told her mom.

Mickey stared at her up and down, shocked at what he saw. This wasn't the Winter he had grown to dislike.

Sheila nodded and closed the door quickly. "Fuck are you looking at asswhole?" Winter asked. She assumed he was about to bully her once again.

"Just the fucking crust in your eyes" Mickey quickly insulted her. There was nothing there, but he had to quickly come up with something.

"You know what fuck you."


"Wait, in Detroit did you loose your virginity?" Mandy asked Winter curiously as she curled her own hair.

"Hell no the only cute boys there are way too fucking cocky and its mainly annoying as hell. Every girl throwing their pussy at them, except me." Winter explained. Winter had moved to Detroit, with her dad, for the school year and now she was back for the summer.

Mandy nodded in understandment, going back to looking in the mirror.

"Mandy your brother got hot" Winter said truthfully.

"Mickey? Ew gross. He'd probably bang you if you tried" She responded truthfully. Winter tried to stop herself from smiling. Was she hot enough to bang?

Someone knocked at the door and Winter looked at Mandy to go answer it. "Its Ian" Mandy told her and kept doing her makeup.

"Ian fucking Gallagher" Winter smiled when she opened Mandy's door. She pulled Ian in for a kiss. He grabbed her waist as they started to make out intensely.

"Wanna fuck on the Milkovich's couch?" Winter whispered.

"What so Terry can kill me? No thanks" Ian laughed.

They walked into Mandy's room together. She smiled at him and continued doing her makeup once more.

"We are going to Brooklyn's party. I'm gonna go ask Mickey if he's going" Mandy explained and walked out of the room.

"So what happened to you being gay?" Winter asked lowly.

"Well I guess I'm bisexual. Its certain women I'm attracted to .." Ian trailed off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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