Chapter One

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You worked at a car rental company full-time. Working long hours 5 days a week, getting paid barely over minimum wage and eating Chinese take-out for dinner at least 3 times a week. Your mom always nagged you about not eating healthy enough but you simply did not have the time or cooking skills to prepare home cooked meals.

Today, you strolled into work 10 minutes late and met your boss waiting for you, slightly leaning on your cubicle causing it to incline to the left. When you walked in, he straightened himself up and fixed your cubicle's weak, wooden frame. Your boss was a stout, middle-aged man with a temper even shorter than himself. He usually wore a dress shirt with a pair of slacks and well-polished boots. You noticed his bald spot was becoming increasingly visible and you giggled to yourself quietly. 'Y/n' he said in a dull voice. 'Why are you late? I told you that you had to help me with the customer that stole the Mercedes' You froze. You had just remembered that yesterday your boss had told you about a man that came in to rent a 2019 Mercedes S Class. However, this man never came back despite paying for only four days worth of rental. It had been nine days and he had neither called nor returned the car or even paid for the extra five days.

'Boss, I'm so sorry for coming in late today. I promise it won't happen again' you managed to spurt out. You were so exhausted that you had no time to come up with an excuse even though you had just overslept. You were usually punctual and were rarely ever late but last night you went to bed late filling out paperwork and slept through your alarm this morning.

'That's fine' your boss muttered, revulsion laced in his tone. 'But I need you and my other employee to track the guy down. I would call the cops but they said it would take them 3-4 months. Here's the license plate number.' He slid a sheet with the cars colour, make, licence plate, the man's phone number, his address and his name.

'Kane...' you read aloud. 'Sorry to ask but who is coming with me?' You asked trying to sound as polite as possible so you do not repulse your boss any more than you need to.

'Fushiguro.' He replied plainly, still giving a look of utter distaste. You felt your blood literally boil as you heard the words exit your boss' mouth. 'Look, I know you two have your own little rivalry or whatever but I really need this car back. It's an expensive one.' Your boss said, slightly sounding nicer. You knew it was only an act because he'd always act more polite when he needed you to do something inconvenient that you did not even get paid enough for.

'Fine.' You said. 'I'll do it but why him?' At that moment Fushiguro walked into the room. A tall man with dark hair and a smirk on his face. He grinned at your boss as he waltzed in and your boss grinned back. Your boss was a grouch, rarely ever polite to anyone except the hot front desk lady and... Fushiguro. You never understood why Fushiguro was so popular with your boss. He was not a bad worker but he comes in late too often and does the bare minimum. Since your boss always gave him the treatment you deserved you began to loathe Toji Fushiguro. He used to try to make conversation with you when he first joined the company but you gave him curt responses and blank expressions which pushed him away. He then started teasing you every now and then which angered you even more. Ever since then you would refuse to work on projects with him and he probably did the same.

'Hey! You?' he said in a questioning tone. You stared at him closely and he stared back. His eyes were a very pretty shade of green, even you had to admit it. You then stopped staring at him and got back to laying out your paperwork.

'Fushiguro!' your boss said in an excited manner. 'I was just talking to Y/n about the Mercedes.' Fushiguro nodded not saying anything. 'Okay I want both of you to leave now and call me when you're on your way to the closest Starbucks.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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