Chapter 1 : In The Speed Of Light, A Massacre

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Chapter one:
In the
speed of light,
a massacre.

"Protect this ring, don't give it to anyone, specially 'him' . We love you, Aiden. Whatever happens, trust your instinct, trust Quema. We will guide you to whatever danger you face."

The two person's hands reach the boy's ring finger, a bloody ring.

Suddenly, the two mysterious people pushed the boy, in a deep hole, the boy scream from terror.

The darkness fade away as he wokes up, his eyes were filled with tears flowing down from his eyes.

It was a sunny bright day, the sky was clear with beautiful clouds, the wind was so refreshing, it was a Saturday evening, the day before the departure.

"Aiden! I told you to stop playing!" a woman shouted with her voice echoing from downstairs. 

"Veronica, let him, it's normal for childrens nowdays to use their phone when their friends aren't around." declared Jeremy calmly while holding a few stacks of box in his arms. 

Veronica starred at her husband, frowning her eyebrows, and released a stressed sigh, and turned towards upstairs and yelled:

Fine, but please don't play with your phone all day, if you want, you can ask your mom and dad to play with you. Or take Quema to a walk on the beach."

The boy, lying down on the right side of a scruffy bed, holding his phone, then sat down and caresses with his right hand on his pet's head and gently smiled with a slight blush. 

"Sometimes I wonder, if you can understand people, Quema. Perhaps you are a human secretly?" he giggled. 

The cat stood up and ran downstairs leaving only Aiden left on the bedroom with a lonely atmosphere. 

"Or it's also what they called animal intelligence…? "

he expresses with a sigh at the end of his sentence. He stood up and went downstairs, he veered his head slightly to the right to demand permission at his parents. 

"Can I take Quema to a walk for the last time? "

"Yes my dear, don't use your phone while taking her for a walk, she might wonder around if you let your guard off even for a second."

His mother warned him. 

"Yeah, I know, don't worry. Quema, let's go for a walk."

He called his cat and twisted  the door nob and waited for his cat to get out her turned. 

While strolling, he sensed a quake from his ripped jean's right pocket, it was on his phone. A name, a number and a green and red swipe button options appeared on his phone screen.

*Ring! Ring! Ring!*

The boy swiped his thumb to the right while his other handle supports the phone.

He placed the phone on his ear and then responds with a brief answer without even a slim excitement or suspicion, it was just always a neutral expression.


a high-pitched shout came out from his phone, Aiden was forced to extend his arm a bit away from his ear while his friend is expressing.

"You're gonna make me deaf." he tickles his itching ear.

"Oh sorry!" His friend apologized.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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