🍭 Lollipops and cigarettes 🚬

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Becky grabbed a water bottle and stuffed a bag of blue raspberry lollipops into her oversized hoodie pocket before heading to the alleys. Sure it was the bad part of town, but Becky found it funny and somewhat calming to listen to full grown adults and teens settle their differences in rap battles.

Yes, being on the bad side of town there was lots of temptation, but Becky usually managed to tune out the sweet flicking of lighters, the sounds of someone puffing a cig, and the calming scent of tobacco smoke by listening to the wonderful music. Though she had to be quick and careful when passing 'The Smokehouse' an Alley that was always heavily occupied by smokers. She couldn't fall back into her addiction, she just couldn't. especially after she almost lost her life to it.

Becky popped a lollipop into her mouth and enjoyed the taste and the sound of the music of the alleys, when she heard a voice singing. She was mesmerized and followed the deep, honey sweet voice until She came upon a group. Two teens and a man who looked like he was in his late twenties. A teen girl with perfect skin, reddish brown hair, and a scarlet red dress with matching heels, sitting on top of the speakers, vibing to the music. A teen boy with blue messy hair, a red baseball cap on backwards, and a white T-shirt with a backwards no parking sign, who Becky could only assume was the girl's boyfriend, singing against the third figure.

The man.

he had teal neck length hair, a dark gray oversized hoodie, pale skin a white T-shirt, teal pants, and a pair of brown hiking boots. As well as a strong chin, perfectly framed by a perfect amount of stubble. Becky couldn't see his face all that well though due to the brim of his brown cap shadowing his face, but she could see that he had a scar on his right cheek and he was puffing a cigarette. He was actually decently built too, not too buff and not too lanky either.

Then Becky once again heard that hypnotizing voice. It was the man. it was oddly...soothing Becky closed her eyes spitting out the bear lollipop stick and popping another in her mouth she closed her eyes listening to the music, occasionally humming along. Soon there was a break in the song, the man saying something about his chest hurting, then it started again.

5 minutes later and Becky was just about lulled to sleep by the sweet melody however that was short lived as she was startled awake by the sound of violent coughing, causing her to nearly choke on her lollipop stick.

She looked up to see the teens freaking out and the man on the ground, unable to do anything but cough violently and claw at his chest.

Becky gasped, getting up and quickly running over with her water bottle. She kneeled down next to the man, tilting his head back while opening her water bottle. Becky knew he was incapable of grabbing it himself in this state, so she gently trickled a bit of water in his mouth, helping him to swallow while rubbing circles on his back.

The kids were being absolutely useless, still freaking out, but Becky could understand perfectly. I mean, if SHE saw this and didn't know what was happening, she'd be panicking too!

Eventually the man's coughing slowed and began to dissipate. He was breathing a bit better now as Becky gently rubbed his back.

"Are you ok?" The man looked at her, and she could see his face through the shadows. Becky was actually frozen for a minute, looking into his teal eyes. He looked back into her own cotton candy blue orbs, his lips slightly parted, giving Becky a slight view of the small blue ball of his tongue piercing.

"Are you ok?" Becky asked again. The man shook his head, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Yeah," his voice came out as a rasp, so he cleared his throat before repeating himself. "Y-yeah, I'm fine....thanks..."

Becky smiled softly, gesturing to the teens, signalling to them that it was okay to leave. She then turned her sweet smile back to the man, popping another lollipop into her mouth. "No prob." She held her calloused hand out. "Becky." She stated, then the man put his hand in hers, giving it a firm shake as he put another cigarette in his mouth and lighting it.


🚬Cigarettes and Lollipops🍭 (Garcello x OC)Where stories live. Discover now